Name: Grendel Role: The Beast (Grendel is very much a close-up fighter, whether it be her claws or shotguns.) Appearance: Grendel arms have been replaced with hulking robotic replacements that reach partway down her calves, much longer than a normal human's arms that would look ridiculous if not for how scary they are. Her long brown hair is unkempt and constantly gets in her face. She wears baggy cargo pants and a simple garment that wraps around her breasts for modesty, but leaves her stomach bare. Her torso has two thin lines running up one-third and two-thirds of the way across it, further proof of her augmentation. Along her back are six circular ports, though they serve no known purpose yet. (Possibly an upgrade to her action skill?) Her voice has a definite robotic twang to it, but it's still obviously human. Her skin is unnaturally pale, and just underneath her skin along with her veins are softly glowing electric blue circuits. Action Skill: Rip and Tear, Grendel flies into a combat drug-fueled rage, charging towards enemies at lightning speed and tearing them apart with her claws. Once the drugs wear off, she is temporarily weakened and slower. Weapon: A Double Barreled Jakobs Shotgun Shield: A Bandit Roid Shield Grenade: An old Hyperion slagged Singularity grenade. Level Ups: Tentacles and Disappointment: Metallic tentacles with bladed tips digistruct from the ports on Grendel's back and whip around, damaging any enemies near her whenever she uses Rip and Tear. More Mead: Whenever Grendel uses a health injector, she temporarily gains the ability to stun enemies with her melee attacks. My Arm!: If Grendel is downed, she let's out an inhuman roar that sends nearby enemies running in fear. Gentle Giant: When Grendel helps up a downed ally, she can temporarily grant them invincibility. [center][u]Echo Log[/center][/u] *distant screaming and clanging, slowly getting louder* Male Voice: I... I didn't want this. I didn't think it would go like this. Not at all... We were... We were going to... *sobbing* Female Voice (worried): She's going to kill us all, isn't she? I.. (Suddenly angry). DAMMIT. What am I doing here? I should be out there. We can put her down. They left us guns, didn't they? Male Voice: *sniffling* Uh, yeah, yeah... There's, uh.... in the locker... *dull footsteps and metal scraping against metal* Grendel: WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FROM ME? YOU SCARED OF A BITCH LIKE ME? THAT'S ALL I AM, ISN'T IT? YOUR LITTLE... *gun fire then brief silence* Oh... You... How Pleasant... *dull thud and metallic clanging* Female Voice: What the hell is this shit? A dart gun? You're fucking kidding me? Male Voice: We... We aren't supposed to kill the subjects... The higher-ups would be pissed. Female Voice: You think I give a shit? How the fuck are we supposed to know if this would work with all the drugs we've been pumping into them? What if it didn't do anything and she just killed us? You know what, fuck this, fuck the corporations, fuck [redacted], we're getting rid of here. Send her to some hellhole we can forget about. I quit. I'm- [The tape cuts off] --- Ok, I'm still missing two level ups for Grendel but here she is! A quick question, are we going to start in transit to Actaeon? Grendel will be on the trip, but probably as cargo rather than a passenger. She's here less because she wanted too and more because the lab she came from is trying to get rid of her.