[quote=@Cyclone] [@Double Capybara] I'm sure I'll remember to update that sometime within a month or two. I'm about 90% sure that Ommok's kingdom predates Keriss. He be like [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/f57f/f/2015/007/c/7/what_are_you_doing_in_my_swamp_by_garretfox93-d8d20hn.png[/img] [/quote] [quote=@poog the pig] [youtube]https://youtu.be/2dTh3iI0is8[/youtube] Right when you think you're safe, Lifprasil rolls by like. [/quote] [quote=@Lauder] NO, [@Cyclone] THE VENOMWEALD IS MINE YA HEAR?! NO DUMB OGRE IS TAKING THAT FROM ME! *screeching begins* [/quote] Sindustries holds all rights to that land, you'll all be paying rent soon enough.