[@hozan] His hopes of salvation had rapidly plummeted, now with another guy next to him and no food, it wouldnt be long before hunger settled between the two and one tried to eat the other, or worse to try to eat a devil frui- his thoughts stopped as he saw Eddie reach for his chest, the one with the two devil fruits inside. "Wait , wait you cant eat tha...." Again he stopped himself as he saw Eddie take a bite of one of the fruits, he remained strangely calm but his skin had become paler as if his will to live had gone from him, one of the two treasures had gone now. Returning to his toughts moments later he remembered a legend told about the devil fruits; their legendary horrible taste and it certainly looked like Eddie did enjoy the taste of the fruit. Pherhaps they were fake fruits? Elliot thought which if it were true it meant that he had someting to eat "Yes d-dont worry about what am I going to eat, in fact I was about to grab one too" Said Elliot as to Eddie as he reached for the remaining devil fruit. The thoughts of the authenticity fruits dissapeared as he grabbed it, Elliot took a bit bite of it. At the moment he took a bite he knew it was really a real devil fruit, holding his mouth in disgust he asked Eddie "I-i didnt know how can anything be so disgusting, how could you eat a piece of that devil fruit withouth even flincing?!"