[@ManoftheNorth][@Renny][@eemmtt][@Roughdragon1][@berd][@Hammerman][@Rekaigan] [hider=Throne room map] [img]http://i.imgur.com/q5mzRfn.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=King Reirsun Cragshield] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b7/30/b6/b730b6cfebe0799ec21c66e148d4d004.jpg[/img] [/hider] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2e/7e/dd/2e7edd38b17c71a042efa49de56acd92.jpg[/img] THESURI / ARGRIMS SIEGE The giant doors to the dwarven fortress opened for their soldiers as they escorted the corpse of their commander back to his ancestral home, one last time for the final rest of the worthy. The escort veered from the main halls and down a winding empty corridor until they were out of sight and the sound of their steel boots no longer echoed off the worn stone floors. Every room was polished and decorated with statues of golden heroes or tapestries of their peoples founding of Thesuri, the heavy slam of steel signaled the main gate had been closed as the last of the party entered the fortress. Steel beams as thick as a dwarf and longer than the door were placed to bar the door. Engineers were already working to collapse the ceiling and seal the way for good. If the rats wanted in, they would have to find a new way. The escort for the group was quick despite his height as rushed through the many twisting halls and gathering rooms. Vast and always on a descending slope, the group entered the throne room without being announced. The reason for this obvious breach of grace and respect was obvious. The Skaven had breached the main halls! The Dwarven king slew the rat faced creatures in droves alongside his loyal shield Dwarves, each armed with a heavy tower shield and a trusty sword. Dozens of Dwarves were gathered in this single room and fought the wave of rats that had initially breached the halls and were slowly driving them back, but for every rat killed there came another to replace it in mere moments as they scurried over their fallen. The king shouted overtop the clash of steel to his soldiers, [color=f26522]"STAND STRONG LADS! NO MERCY FOR THE RATS!"[/color] He crushed the head of one skaven who leaped over the wall without ever bothering to watch, his focus turned on the newcomers. Unlike Stokley, King Cragshield wouldn't refuse the help of ones escorted in by one of his boys. [color=f26522]"You lot! Shore up the line! Push hard, push fast! Tunnels gonna collapse any minute!"[/color] The king roared as he pushed past his own shield wall, all shouts and slaughter. His golden hammer and armor was already stained thick with blood as he led the charge. [hider=Skaven Breach] [img]http://i.imgur.com/oSqfKlk.png[/img] [/hider]