[hider=Victor Krishkov] [center][img]https://michellerlane.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/e2bf09a4afed885c064d6c93505b4b6b.jpg[/img][/center] [color=f26522][b]Name:[/b][/color] Victor Peregrinans Krishkov [color=f26522][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Much can be said about Victor’s appearance. Perfection would be the word he himself would use. He keeps his hair rather short for the fashion. His dark chocolate eyes can sometimes appear as if there is no iris or pupil. Just a circle of dark in white. Like most vampires, Victor is rather pale. Though that is certainly not the most striking feature of his body. Victor stands an impressive 6’2” and is fairly muscled. [color=f26522][b]Age:[/b][/color] 416 [color=f26522][b]Line of Succession:[/b][/color] Fifth born [color=f26522][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color] Heterosexual [color=f26522][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Cold, perfectionist, distant but loyal and industrious. Many vampires, with age, tend to gravitate to more artful personalities. Over time, merely experiencing culture is often not enough. They require to make it. Victor is very much an exception of this rule. He is a weak painter. Even though he might have attempted writing back when he was a mere 150 years old, these days he has accepted that he would never add to the world’s beauty. However, if not artful, Victor is many other things. He is a true fighter and holds physical prowess high. With ceaseless determination, he will continue once chosen a plan of action. In the modern days, he is considered cutthroat and harsh on everyone around him. Including himself. He expects nothing less than excellence. Some vampires would (though never in his face) call him a perfectionist bastard. But say what you want, sooner or later, Victor knows. And he is not of the forgiving kind. However, he is a loyal person. Proof your worth and you can be sure to be protected. He will follow every rule his elder siblings (and, of course, his parents) set. Those who lived long enough might actually remember that Victor wasn’t always as cold and calculated as he is now. In fact, he still has a piece of his heart. But it’s sealed and frozen. While he will praise loyalty among those below him and protect them. It is not for any love he feels. In fact, he fears the attachment of love. He fears it makes him weak and worse: gives him a vulnerability. So he will forever show himself as strong, cunning and cold. [color=f26522][b]Bio:[/b][/color] So much happened to Victor. He was born as a sweet kid who easily trusted and had many friends. He loved his two older siblings. He never questioned his father’s decisions, not even the sealing of the west wing tower. Even from a young age, Victor seemed fascinated by duels and combat. He often found himself admiring the many swords in the house. As he kept growing older, it became rather apparent that, while he easily made friends, he didn’t seem to fall in love as quickly. In fact, when he was less than a hundred, he only ever fell once for a girl. A vampire but there was nothing noble about her. She was a sweet girl but shy. Victor, ever the people-pleaser, invited her towards tons of parties and she sheepishly agreed. The two grew close. Until, one day, her father vanished. It broke Victor and none of his friends seemed to understand. They left him to his own devices and continued to revel in the midnight. Victor became lonely and abandoned. The once happy little child turned into a rock. He started turning into the person he is today. In his own words: he life only started when he turned a century. The interest in swordsmanship flared up. As did his desire for archery, hunting, and horse-riding. But he didn’t stop there. Between the age of 150 and 300 he traveled the world and learned the many ways of fighting (I am a purple flamingo). The marks of that travel can still be found in the form of tattoos on his limbs and back. Though he keeps those hidden now. But he didn’t travel the world just to learn how to fight. Victor became the very definition of the words: scholar-warrior. From his travels, he gained a healthy respect for humans and their ways of battle. Unlike his father, he still doesn’t shy away from their capability of destruction. He did visit his sister in New York in the 20ies. Though, obviously, he very much disliked the endless partying. After the second World War (which he spectated from a very close seat), he helped found a bank. That bank is now one of the most respectable financial institutes of the world and much of that is thanks to Victor’s hard work. These days he returned to the castle. He thinks he is among the best examples of what an heir and a vampire should be: successful, powerful, strong. Though, privately, he fears his father might still dislike him as he hasn’t chosen a partner yet. Of course, Victor desires the close embrace of someone. Who doesn’t? there were days in his life that he came close but ran away. Fearing that love would make him weak again. Today, he once more holds the same fear. Yet he cannot run. For the one that he can’t stop looking at is Sarah Bach. [color=f26522][b]Likes:[/b][/color] Books, maps, wealth, swords, weapons, his pet hawk, his two dogs [color=f26522][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color] Weakness, fear, cowardliness, irresponsibility, attachment, incompetence [color=f26522][b]Extra:[/b][/color] even these days Victor often likes to go on a hunt with his hawk and dogs. Though he loves a good walk just as much. [/hider] I hope my character fits this place!