"Here comes home the conquering hero. Well done on sucess with your first battle, may it be the first of many victories to come!" Maxim celebrated his returning daughter with a clap on the back, kissing her cheeks." Aemilina herself was limping slightly but otherwise exuberant, the crowd that had arrived when the galley returned cheering and clapping. The orcs wouldn't be an issue now that the boats were burnt, and the clash had given them a taste of Matem steel. It was a trifling victory in the grand scheme of things, butna victory nonetheless. [hr] The group surveyors had gone too far, and were now hopelessly lost. They had voyaged too far inland, and were now blindly walking through the forest, praying to the divines that they would receive a sign if where to go next. Whilst they were feeling somewhat confidant that they could survive for a while longer, they were nervous and unsure of what dwelt here, this was uncharted territory after all. [hider=TL;DR] The soldiers come back and are hailed as heroes. One of the surveying teams loses track of where they're going because they're idiots, and goes too far north. [/hider]