Ursaren almost flew off the horse that he was riding when the horses had suddenly halted. Once the old man had climbed off the horse from the sudden halt, he took in the new situation the crew was in, standing in front of a younger woman who had almost been trampled by the group of people. The woman didn't really seem like she was a threat, as the poor girl couldn't even hold a dagger properly, and she looked like she would have some sort of magical aptitude from the various items and artifacts that she had on her. While Ursaren would normally concern himself with people like this woman, he was instead interested in the smell of smoke and how Alice and the reptilian man had absconded from the group in pursuit of the smoke's origin, with it possibly involving the dragon that they had heard about from the elves. Ursaren turned to Beren and spoke out to him with his hearty voice. [b]"Hey Beren. I'm gonna follow behind Alice and go help her tackle that fire nonsense,. Telling you now!"[/b] With someone being alerted, Ursaren followed Alice into the forest, with his spear and shield drawn to his side. He was ready to fight whatever was ahead, and, more importantly, he was ready to show off his true power to the group. Ok... maybe not the group, but to at least one of them, who would hopefully help defend him when everyone else would panic about what Ursaren really was.