It was truly an odd sight; one man, the gym teacher, pulling the ear of another man who was equal in staggering height, wearing nothing but swimming trunks and clutching a bag resembling a purse compared to his size, down the hall of the main school building. Daisuke painfully squirmed as he was pulled forcefully by the burly man, causing even more of a commotion than he already did as more students witnessed the strange act. He flapped his arms about like a bird lifting off into the sky, which annoyed the teacher. [b]"You're a strange man, aren't you?"[/b] [b]"Please, let me go!"[/b] Daisuke cried as they entered the teacher's lounge, which had been currently empty at the time. Mister Bologna almost literally threw Daisuke into one of the chairs and instructed the man to not move a single inch, lest he wanted to be arrested. Daisuke quietly complied, nodding as the teacher walked off into one of the closets in the room, leaving the man on his lonesome. [b]"Ah, man. They're [i]really[/i] gonna kill me when I get back, we definitely lost the competition!"[/b] Daisuke mumbled to himself, sighing. [b]"I swear, if we lost to the Beccio Family, I'm going to-"[/b] --- ... A fifteen-year old Daisuke blinked as pink smoke filled the teacher's lounge, patting down several places across his body in confirmation of his physical existence. His school uniform was soaking wet from the pool that he had suddenly fallen into five minutes ago, and in an instant, he had suddenly been surrounded by tons of people he'd never met. There were some faces that he swore that he could recognize, and one person who seemed extremely familiar had begun to explain the complicated use of what he called the "Ten Year Bazooka". [b]"Cool!"[/b] was all Daisuke had responded with, cheering as the brown-haired adult sighed. [b]"Huh? Where am I..."[/b] Daisuke looked around as the pink smoke dissipated, unsure of where he was. He heard someone rummaging through a closet to his right, seeing the gym teacher walk into the room with a stack of papers in his hands. [b]"Alright, you- EEEUUUUGH!"[/b] [b]"Oh, it's you!"[/b] Daisuke said, pointing to the man as he watched the papers fly out of his hands, fluttering all about. [b]"Where am I, Mister...?"[/b] Mister Bologna looked extremely confused, looking to his right and left before reverting his eyes to Daisuke. [b]"Wh-where's the man?!"[/b] [b]"Huh? What are you talking about?"[/b] The boy tilted his head, just as confused. [b]"The tall man wearing nothing but swimming trunks!"[/b] Daisuke's face beamed with realization. [b]"Oooooooh~"[/b] he said, raising a finger. [b]"He's me from the future, sir!"[/b] [b]"Eh?"[/b] Mister Bologna's confused look turned into a blank stare. Clearly frustrated, he shook his head and pointed a finger to the door. [b]"... just get out."[/b] [b]"Okay!"[/b] Daisuke said, prancing out of the teacher's lounge and back into the hall with his bag, peering at the Ten Year Bazooka and grinning. [i]This is gonna be a fun year![/i]