[center][H1]Dominyk Prise[/H1] Rake • Collector of Broken Hearts[/center] Dominyk was human. But that was ages ago; when he was taken he was young, his eyes still lit with an inner fire that showed his own personality. In the years since then he has been reborn a scarred torn piece of himself held together with the emotions he harvests from others on a whim. He is taller now, thinner, lithe -- with ears that would make elves envious. But also his eyes have lost the white for black and the curving horns sprouting from his head among the small forget-me-nots. The kiss of the rose sits on him: a soft scent that draws people in but with nasty thorns for teeth and finger nails; and with the touch of a demon came the wings that are purely ornamental -- that, and the taste for lust. In the midst of the garden where he stood as a statue in the midst of this changing and torture he found his way to run and escape. Whatever change might have only been partially completed, but he was never going to be able to fix himself; and he has even left the vestiges of his old life behind. He found that a liar's tongue and a head for contracts came close to part of his being now as more demonic influences flood thorough him, these simple magics he uses to hid what he is in a shadow of what he once was. But the need to feed the addiction of emotions has led him to join those who find pleasure in the sorrow. Those who know that healing can be best found when at the bottom of any pit; and in that he reveled in the heartbreaks he witnessed and later caused for their double taste of Lust and Sorrow. [center]-----------[/center] Gender: Male Height: 6'1 Weight: 175 lb Eyes: Stark Blue Hair: Brown Sexuality: If he could choose he would be ace, but he kind of needs it to live, so more in the direction of Pansexual. [center]Powers[/center] [list][*]Dream Walk - Enter into dreams [*]Feed off Emotions - Gain strength (non physical) from emotions, specifically lust and sorrow [*]Emotions (Lust, Sorrow) - he has some minor powers that can be played with concerning these two drives of human nature; considering they are his most powerful weapons. [*]Seduction [*]Natural Weapons: Horns, Claws, Teeth - these are only viable when he's not in his Mask which looks human, so they tend to be a last ditch effort. [*]Crossroad Deal - He can make deals that are beneficial for both parties, but they fall in the caveat of "be careful for what you wish for".[/list] [center]Weaknesses[/center] [list][*]Needs to Feed - He needs to feed at least every two days on emotions [*]Vows - All of his oaths and deals he needs to fulfill [*]Social Predator - He is seriously more of a Fop (nice clothes, nice hair) than anything that can get fight-happy so he tends to stay more in the realm of conversation and parties[/list]