[center][h2] + OPEN TO NEW PLAYERS +[/h2] [img]https://i.gyazo.com/7528345227645bfb1ee9084953728b7a.png[/img] [sub][color=cccccc]Wild West || Lovecraft || Dungeoncrawl • Based on [url=https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/146791/shadows-brimstone-city-ancients]THIS[/url] glorious game •[/color][/sub] [b][i]THEY SAY[/i][/b][color=cccccc] the world ended when they clawed the first chunks of Darkstone out the belly of the earth. There's magic in those rocks, no doubt. Something more then this world, something [i]other[/i]. but it's worth it's weight in gold, multiplied by a dozen. - useful? Sure. Dangerous? oh, yeah. A whole bunch more then anyone was expecting. The monsters that burst forth into the mines and overran the towns that harbored it certainly made it seem like the end days, alright. Everyone knows the story of the town of Brimstone, for example. They loved their Darkstone there. Collected a whole bunch of it, all in one place. Made a pretty little light show when it went up. Now Brimstone's just a crater crawling with mutants and monsters and [i]worse[/i]. But that's just how things work out here in the wild west. You won't meet the same fate, of course. There's a fortune to be made out in these hills and down in the depths of those mines, and by damn are you ready to face down the darkness. It's all in a day's work, after all.[/color] [b][h3]Are you ready to be thrown into a horrific dungeon filled with nightmares?[/h3][/b] [sup][color=cccccc]Yay! Then let's begin.[/color][/sup] [img]https://s14.postimg.org/7pq751d01/Brimstone.png[/img][hr][hr][h3] + The Party + [/h3][color=cccccc]Anyone can make a character. The maximum party size is 5-6 (meaning up to six characters act at once), and the minimum is 2. Each round every character must be accounted for. The person who created the character gets priority to determine their action. However, if the player does not reply for 4 days, another player may choose the action for that character that round. After an adventure, players can choose to leave their characters in town if they wish to skip out on the next mission. Characters left behind this way do not gain XP or loot, but will always be safe from danger.[/color] 1. DAN the RANCHER. [color=cccccc][i]created by Duthguy[/i][/color] [hider=Dan] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/DzDw9Aw.png[/img] [b]Dan[/b][/center] [hider=Dan][hider=Skills][b]Home Remedies:[/b][indent] Spend [b]1 Determination[/b] to Heal 1-6 wounds from yourself or an adjacent hero. Gain 5XP healed from another Hero this way.[/indent] [b]Rapid Shot:[/b][indent] Requires a two handed weapon. Anytime you kill an enemy with a two handed gun, you can immediately shoot again.[/indent] [b]Evasion[/b]:[indent] You are more likely to [b]escape[/b] when you move away from an enemy. [/indent] [/hider][hider=Inventory] [b]Sidebag:[/b] 1/5 Slots filled [indent]1x [b]Bandages[/b][/indent] [b]Lucky Dice:[/b] [indent]Once per Adventure, cancel and redraw any card drawn (e.g. monsters, loot, scavenge, room tile, event, darkness, growing dread. [i]this item will become more clear in future. I'll let you know if you can use your dice, so don't worry too much.[/i]) [/indent] [center][b]1/8 Carryweight used[/b][/center] [b]Hunting Rifle:[/b] [indent][[i]Two Handed[/i] [b]Range:[/b] 12 Squares [b]Shots:[/b] 1 Shot per round [b]Damage:[/b] +2 Damage [i]Upgrade Slots: 0/3 Used Weight: 1 Worth: $350 [/i] [/indent][/hider][/hider][/hider] HAWKEYE HAROLD the GUNSLINGER. [color=cccccc][i]created by DeadBeatWalking.[/i][/color][hider=Hawkeye Harold][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/dTO1Dib.png[/img] [b]Hawkeye Harold[/b] [/center] [hider=Hawkeye Harold][hider=Skills][b]Quickdraw:[/b][indent] Anytime a new group of enemies appear, and you have one hand free, you may immediately make a free attack against them. [/indent] [b]The Quick and the Dead:[/b][indent] Start with 6 [i]Dead eye shot[/i] bullets. At any point you can choose to load one of these bullets into your gun. [/indent] [/hider][hider=Inventory] [b]Sidebag:[/b] 1/5 Slots filled [indent]1x [b]Whiskey[/b][/indent] [b]6x Dead Eye Shot Bullets:[/b][indent] Each Bullet does +2 Damage.[/indent] [b]Trusty Pipe:[/b] [indent]You may take a puff of your pipe to Recover [b]1 determination[/b] any time you gain loot or successfully scavenge..[/indent] [center][b]1/6 Carryweight used[/b][/center] [b]Pistol:[/b] [indent][i]1 Handed[/i] Range: 6 Squares Shots: 2 Shot per round [i]Upgrade Slots: 0/2 used Weight: 1 Worth: $100[/i] [/indent][/hider][/hider][/hider] 3. TRAP the SALOON GIRL [i][color=cccccc]created by Gutshot[/color][/i] 4. FATHER C the PREACHER [i][color=cccccc]created by rocketrobie2[/color][/i] 5. PASTOR JIMMY the PREACHER [i][color=cccccc]created by Asura[/color][/i] 6. OPEN [hider=Inventories] No inventories to display![/hider] [h3][b]Character Sheet[/b][/h3] [color=cccccc]Just whack this little thing down if some slots are open, or a character has recently died. You can change it as you like so long as this information is there and readable.[/color][/center] >They call me....[NAME] >I'm [MALE/FEMALE] >I look like...[APPEARANCE: Hair color/length, eye color, skin color, clothing, noticable features] >I am a [CLASS: see below] [hider=Classes][indent][b]Lawman:[/b] [color=cccccc]I'm the law in these parts. I know my way around a pistol and a knife. I'm sound in body and in mind, you have to be to keep the peace out here.[/color] [b]U.S Marshal:[/b][color=cccccc] I uphold the law. My chosen firearm is the shotgun, and it packs a punch. I can go toe to toe with any outlaw if needbe, though I'm a little bit more delicate then my Lawman colleague.[/color] [b]Rancher:[/b][color=cccccc] My hunting rifle is my life. I'm used to livin' out here in the wastes, though I'm a little delicate to the troubles that have come to these lands. I shoot: you die, I shoot somemore. It's a good life. [/color] [b]Gunslinger:[/b][color=cccccc] I'm the fastest draw in the west. My bullets can cleave a beastie in two before it gets a chance to blink, but I don't take kindly to them returning the favor. I'm far better at range then going toe-to-toe.[/color] [b]Bandito:[/b][color=cccccc] It's a wild world and I'm the wild card. My mind aint too sound but I got more gumption then you can shake a stick at. Cross me and you better close your eyes and pray.[/color] [b]Scout:[/b][color=cccccc] I can detect danger a mile away. I move quickly and my presence can avert danger. I am skilled in all forms of combat, though my body and mind are somewhat weak. [/color] [b]Piano Player / Saloon Girl:[/b][color=cccccc] My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. My charm eases them war wounds and mental scars right offa you. I'm light on my feet but I need light weapons to boot. My body might be weak but I got a strong head on my shoulders. I'm good in all combat situations.[/color] [b]Priest / Nun:[/b][color=cccccc] My faith leads me onwards. I can heal or bring retribution to my foes, particularly the undead. I am sound of both body and mind, though I abhore guns... mostly.[/color][/indent][/hider]