Anna reached for her mask, which had been knocked off her face when the ship collided with the land and she was flung to the deck. "My head is a little sore but other than that I am alive." Anna groaned, not knowing that the reason her head hurt was because she had taken a rather hardy blow from a piece of debris. It hadn't lodged itself in her skull but she now had a long, bloody mark that went just above the middle of her left eyebrow to the outer corner of her eye. She had yet to notice the blood as she was still pumped full of adrenaline. She looked around for a moment before standing, on wobbly feet. The ship was in terrible shape, they would have to fix it or risk being stranded forever on this island, or worse, being caught by Marines. "Yea, we should probably salvage what we can from our supplies and try to fix her up enough to get us off this confounded island." She replied in response, touching he area where her head hurt, now noticing the blood. "Also, I am bleeding rather profusely from my face. Yay." She managed to get herself off the ship and seated herself against another piece of wreckage and began working on ripping the sleeve off of the shirt under he jacket and using it as a temporary, though not very sanitary, bandage.