Alright! Update first, then IC later, because I said![hr] [center][h3]Update![/h3][/center] I figured this is a bit of an important thingy! Since tasks are going to be pretty general throughout the RP, we figured it'd be useful to create a sort of outline-esque thing that you could all look over for when you have to write for a certain task! It isn't anything too major; just a brief synopsis of each task, and a short description of what you can do for when you're writing for it! It obviously isn't complete, and we'll gradually be adding more tasks to the list as the RP progresses, but here's everything that you'd need to know, as of now! [hider=Types of Tasks] [hr][center][i][h1]Types of Tasks[/h1][/i][/center] [hr] [h3][i]Border Patrol[/i][/h3] Assigned each morning, the selected cats have the important role to patrol whichever border they were given, marking the territory and looking out for any opposing Tribe cats. Oftentimes, some sort of interesting event will occur, but not for every patrol. Most of the time, when your cat is sent out on a border patrol, one of the GMs will be setting up some sort of plot for you to interact with, and move the story forward. It is also possible for [u]player-made events[/u]* to occur here, if they have been approved of by the GM team. [h3][i]Hunting Party[/i][/h3] A detrimental role for the survival of the Tribe, cats who are assigned to a hunting party have the harrowing duty of catching prey for their Tribe. Most of the time, the cats involved will have an easy time of doing this, though there are occasional events that could pop up depending on the location your cat is in. When one of your cats is assigned to the hunting party, what happens to the cat is completely in your hands! Feel free to write about the hunt - was it particularly difficult? How many rats did you catch? The results are entirely up to you (within reason, of course!). If you've been assigned with another character's feline, feel free to have some dialogue go on between the cats! [h3][i]Spotters & Removers (WaveTribe only)[/i][/h3] Recently, WaveTribe has been dealing with a large amount of adders slithering around the southern forests, and it is up to the spotters and removers to deal with them. This task isn't assigned every day, but it is still an important role to ensure the safety of fellow Warriors and the camp. When assigned as a spotter, it is the cats in this party that must go to certain regions of the territory to find and take out a particularly large adder, though there are occasionally two. Be sure to elicit caution; the snake you're often after is extremely dangerous and should be handled with care. As a remover, it is your job to hunt down and eliminate a nearby snake's den, oftentimes filled with several smaller adders to deal with. This party is typically larger than the spotter party, and the spotters will join the removers to take out the nest after they have finished off the greater threat. [hr] *[sup]: Player-made events are still very much a concept in the works, but more information will be given out as it becomes available, and as I'm willing to release it :P you can go ahead and use this as an excuse to start brainstormin' your own stories, though, if you so desire![/sup] [/hider] Like I said, this is still a work in progress, though I doubt there'll be a whole lot more added in the grand scheme of things, other than a few other Tribe-specific tasks. If anyone has any questions, still feel free to ask!