[center][H3][B]U N D E R W O R L D[/B] [/H3][b]K A T A B A S I S[/b] [hr][hr][sub]Interacting with:[@Silver Fox], [@MechonRaptor], [@SgtEasy], [@Mega birb], [@The Spectre], [@Deos Morran][/sub][hr][hr][/center] [color=Steelblue][sub][b]Staff Lieutenant Jake Anderson[/b][/sub][/color] Before the fireworks started the Batarian asked the Geth if it could hack the LOKI mechs, though intimated that Phalanx should only do such if Jake ordered it. Maybe Balak figured that if he started passing out tactical suggestions then Anderson would get precious about his apparent authority being usurped. If that was the case, then it was almost enough to make the N7 laugh. A good idea was a good idea, and if his team could see and exploit a tactical advantage that he’d overlooked, all the better. [color=steelblue]“Permission granted Phalanx. You see an opening, you take it. Good call Balak.”[/color] Maybe working with a Batarian wouldn’t be such a bad thing after all. The infiltration team hadn’t been waiting long when the first distant cracks of gunfire was heard. Pre-fight nerves gave way to countless hours of training, and Jake the man, who had hopes and dreams and fears and doubts, fully slipped into the role of Jake the soldier, a living weapon crafted by the Systems Alliance military, the latest model in a long line of warriors to spring from the Anderson line. The Valkyrie assault rifle, which just moments ago had seemed so heavy and so cumbersome, suddenly weighed no more than good intentions, and fit his hands better than any lover ever could. All those uncertainties, all the dreads, all the problems that seemed so important heartbeats ago may as well have belonged to another man. Suddenly he was focused in a way that most normal people would never understand, could never understand. His body seemed to roil with energy, with a desperate need to close with the enemy and destroy them, with his own hands if he had to. Iron discipline kept him in place, kept him at his self-ordained post keeping this avenue of escape open. Time seemed to crawl as he watched the Batarian fire upon, and subsequently end, a LOKI mech, turning it into so much scrap metal. The rest of the robots ignored the infiltration team, and made off in the direction of the assault teams chaos. The only explanation Anderson could think of for that strange even was that their VI’s were faulty somehow, forcing them to deal with the most overt threat to the compound. Bizarre, but fortunate. Angel and Sicaria had managed to subdue the scientists without any bloodshed, who were now huddling in panicked balls under their desks, while Rayes’Xum Vas Fowal was determinedly battling with the databanks cyberdefence suites. If the Quarian was half as good at hacking as his profile stated he was, then he’d have what they needed in seconds. If Anderson didn’t know any better he would have said things were going too well. . . Right on cue the door diametrically opposite his position slid open, and in poured two dog like FENRIR mechs, quickly followed by five Cerberus assault troopers led by a Centurion. Jake wasn’t sure why they’d come here instead of reinforcing their allies at the front door, but he really didn’t have time to ponder the question. One of the FENRIR’s charged at Raye’s, while the second leapt up to the raised dais to attack the two Turians. The Cerberus Centurian hurled a frag grenade up at the raised dais, towards Balak’s general position. Without wasting anymore time Jake screamed a warning to the squad, before moving to engage the Cerberus troopers, trusting the snipers above to cover the mostly defenceless Quarian, and the Turian’s to deal with their own problems. He loaded up then fired a concussive shot, it striking the lead troopers breastplate dead centre, sending the man flying from his feet. Anderson didn’t get the chance to follow up his attack, as the rest of the troopers began to fire upon him, forcing him back behind the limited cover of the doorway. Hornet fire tore into the concrete, tearing chips from the stone work, though he risked a glance back round, seeing the troopers ducking behind cover of their own, though the man he had hit was still down. Dead, with any luck, concussed if not. [color=steelblue]"Fuuuck."[/color] He hoped Aegon was in as deep shit as he was right now. After all, this was supposed to be the [i]'easy'[/i] number. The Spectre leaned back out of cover to trade fire with the Cerbs, aware that unless he got support from his team, this wasn't going to end pretty.