"This machine is capable of acheiving so much. It gives you the opportunity to learn about your ancestors in a whole new way. Something almost dream like." The Abstergo briefer said. "Yeah, yeah, I know how this all works." Luca said waving his hand. The Abstergo employee had already given the whole lecture to Luca, he was just reiterating the possibility of learning about his family members. Luca was always curious about his family but he never had the chance to learn anything about them. His grandfather had died when he was a baby. His mother left him with his dad. When he was 5 his dad died in an accident. The other day he had gotten a letter in the mail about Abstergo Industries, telling him he had a chance to work on a new assignment and to learn about his long lost family history. He was the last of the Reinholdt dynasty. How could he say no? "Rememeber there is no guarantee for you to come back 100% healthy. We as a company will do our best to curve any side effects, but this program is still being tested." He had gone over it in the brief but he wanted Luca to think about it a little more before he had made up his mind. "Yeah. I know about all that. I'll still do it. I don't have much going on right now anyway. Just sign me up." Luca said shrugging his shoulders. The Abstergo employee nodded his head and signed a couple papers and handed them to Luca. "My signature proves that I briefed you on everything we talked about. I need you to sign here." He said pointing his finger to the paper, "And here." He said pointing to another spot. Luca nodded and signed both areas. "There's a woman down the hall being briefed on everything you just were. You'll both be sharing similar experiences but you both are doing different dives." The employee packed up his briefcase and headed for the door. "Good luck." He said on his way out.