The WInter Soldier's tactical combat jacket absorbed most of the blow to the kidneys but ... Stephanie Rogers wasn't like other combatants, she struck exceptionally hard ... a weaker man would have let go, would have crumpled, but the Winter Soldier persisted, though faltering just a second, just long enough for Stephanie to pull herself into position. Opting for the organic arm was a clever move ... Stephanie could break it, she couldn't break the left one though. The Winter Soldier didn't underestimate her, Karpov might have, but The Winter Soldier was an expert in combat and he could tell Stephanie was planning her moves just as much as he analysed his own. It was a game of chess, equally physical and mental. With her arms and legs wrapped tight on his right side, his right arm was hyper-extending, even though he was enhanced and in peak physical condition ... he wasn't invulnerable and he couldn't support her weight in this difficult position for too long. She was wrapped around him in such an awkward fashion that he couldn't even get enough leverage to simply shake her off, at least not without throwing them both over the balcony. He could have stepped back, twisted his body to slam her against the wall behind them, but in this position, he could lose his right arm, a break or dislocation, and all he'd achieve was bruising her up a little and maybe shaking her loose ... [i]if[/i] he even managed to shake her loose. That left on option ... a gamble, even if the landing hurt and he broke his arm, he'd do a lot of damage to her too, more than just ramming into a wall. Maybe on the way down he'd get enough leverage to break out of her tight hold, only one way to find out. He threw both their weight over the bar, twisting like a cat to try break out before they impacted on the ground below. It would hurt them both to land still entangled ... Stephanie could try to save herself in the fall and le thim go, or hold on and wait to see who fared best when they hit the ground.