[Center][i][b][h2]PinkDizaster[/h2][/b][/i][/center] Pink stood and watched as the young Moogle raced off towards the area where everything bad is happening. He knew the better idea would be to go back home and wait out all this weird stuff. Since everyone already following the Moogle Pink casually walked back to his house thinking to himself that they could handle themselves. He could see his house and was almost there when a bunch of shadows slid in front of him. Shortly after some shadow like creatures appeared from the ground making Pink take a few steps back. One of the creatures leaped at him but Pink side stepped the creature, and another leaped at him and still he managed to dodge it. Pink kept this up just dodging the creatures not sure what would happen if one hit him. Soon though more shadow creatures started to surround him, Pink target the next one that leaped at him for a punch knocking the creature away from the crowd. This continued on but the shadow creatures seemed to not stop but Pink refused to let a bunch of small shadows beat him. "Is this all you got? I can do this all day." he called out to the shadow creatures around him which started to back away from him for some reason sinking back into the ground. "Yeah, that's what I thought, run away..." Pink had more to say but there was a light coming from his right side, more particularly his right hand. It started to take shape and then disappear leaving behind the keyblade he was given before. 'So they're scared of this huh?' he thought to himself. The ground around him rumbled a little and out bursted [url=https://www.khwiki.com/Demon_Tide]a tower of the same shadow creatures[/url] aimed at Pink who jumped out of the way of its first attack. Before he could even think the creatures came back around, and he tried to block it the best he could with his keyblade. The attack carried him far from his original standing and while it carried him Pink caught a small glimpse of even bigger shadow creatures off in the distant. When he finally landed Pink was over by the Moogle and Faira. "So how's it over here?" he asked while getting to his feet. "Cool you got your keyblade too, that should help even the odds." he said getting ready to go after that tower of creatures, he has to settle the score.