[hider=~] [b]Write your name legibly:[/b] Dr. Rose Branwen of the Wyverstone Academy of Health and Science [b]Age:[/b] Twenty-Nine [b]Home Address (or where you might often be found):[/b] I run a laboratory and apothecary at home in a middle-class district at Comet-by-the-Sea. I spend nearly all of my time there and you may feel free to stop by at close to any time as I get hardly enough sleep. [b]Why are you filling out this application?[/b] I've needed a break from my work, despite its upmost importance to get into the field. And to get away from money collectors that are after me for my previous less than lucrative business venture. (How was I to know the ill side-effects when I was only given 2 test subjects and a month to observe them?) [b]What do you know about the Tin Dragon Detective Agency?[/b] That the Agency used to at the forefront of scientific achievement, especially in the field of magical substances. Such research has led to the medical advancements of our now scientifically enlightened age. My mother, Ravenna Branwen, used to work at the Agency before she became the principle medical researcher of her generation. I aim to do the same, unlike the ambitionless academy dwellers. [b]You're investigating the death of a young nobleman at his mansion. His wife tells you he had fallen down drunk after coming home from the pub. The butler tells you he'd never gone out, and simply dropped dead after his tea. The postman tells you he'd seen the young nobleman in an argument with a fairy earlier that day. What do you do next? Why? There is no wrong answer.[/b] Assuming I was allowed an assistant, I would privately question each living party, instructing the assistant to observe any nervousness or impatience from the remaining two in a separate room during each round of questioning. The butler would be asked if the nobleman was having an affair and if he noticed that the postman might've been under narcotic influence when he answered the door. The wife would be asked if the butler has ever stolen from the house and if her husband had ever consorted with magical creatures. The postman would be asked who sent for the package and if they commonly see magical intervention such as this. Any party observed as irritable or afraid outside of questioning were likely lying and would be questioned again in front of the other two. The others would offer any conflicting information regarding the prosecuted's answers. [b]The officer's son you're sworn to protect and your mother are both hanging from a cliff. You have time to save one before they fall. Which do you save?[/b] The answer should be obvious. The greatest doctor of our time is capable of saving far more lives in the future than a child destined for authoratative law enforcement. It's simple mathematics. [b]What is your favorite tea?[/b] Night tea: an old and rarely used recipe, which I have of course perfected, that yields fantastic results. An unfortunate side effect of overconsumption is female infertility. It's not quite unfortunate in my case, I haven't the time for mothering. The quality of the tea is well worth the loss. [b]Please fold this application into an envelope and drop into your city's Tin Dragon tip box before midnight. You will receive our response within the week.[/b] [/hider]