It was a habit of Malachi's, to arrive as early as possible. Patience was ingrained into him by now, so deeply that when he didn't have to wait he became anxious. And so he was the first of the many who had been invited to this strange place. At least seventy percent of Actaeon's surface was comprised of a single city, and the district where the meeting was set to take place wasn't any different. Room 1134 Building 00837 Oscar District Planet Actaeon. Malachi didn't seem to notice how out of place he was in the city as he sat in one of the rows of chairs that faced a blank wall, and put his feet up on the one in front of him. He could hear footsteps int he corridor outside, multiple pairs of feet, but all walking at the same rhythm. When one pair suddenly stood out, he knew it was another Vault Hunter, and he turned in his seat to see as the door opened.