I edited a few things in my NS, did some spell-checking and the like, and added more fluff. So, a few things I've been curious about and would like answered, if possible. Then I can go back and add a little more. 1) The existence of monsters and beasts is already assumed; how much creative license are we given to inventing new creatures and populating our nations with them? 2) What civilizations and peoples will inhabit the wilderness between our nations? Who will control them? How easy will it be to expand our borders and colonize new lands? Unless we can do this relatively rapidly, or a ton of new people join, there will be thousands of miles of unclaimed wilderness between our nations, making interaction difficult. 3) Preexisting relations. We were each required to pick a national language...does that mean we don't know the languages of other nations? Will we be forced to slowly learn the languages of foreign powers? How many existing trade routes and alliances are we allowed to have? 4) Improvement and rebuilding armies. When we take casualties, how long will it take for those numbers to go back up? And how long will it take to improve technology, gain new troop types, and so on?