[center] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/70a89b8d17271877f637d2f597c4cb44/tumblr_nlxelgrjfg1reb6m5o4_250.gif[/img][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/56d9f1d88b02d0758175c87a777af2f2/tumblr_nlxelgrjfg1reb6m5o5_250.gif[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170202/731e61a91068ab50b96249ea99437173.png[/img] [hr][/center] [color=FA8072]"If by '[i]excited for today[/i]' you mean excited for today to be over so that I can go home and take a nap, then definitely."[/color] Kira yawned as she lifted her head from the desk, silently watching as more and more kids filed through the doors and into the classroom. Like her mother, Kira was definitely not a morning person. If she didn't get at least nine hours of sleep, which she seldom did, then there was a strong possibility that she'd be in a slump until lunch time rolled around. After a couple of minutes, two boys, presumably brothers, entered the room, one of them choosing to take a seat in the corner, and the other in the center of the room. "How you girls doin' today? Nice mornin', don'tcha think?" One of the brothers said, and it took every ounce of strength in Kira's body to keep her from rolling her eyes. What was up with everyone around here being so god damn perky this early in the morning? Instead of making a smart comment, however, Kira just opted to mutter a quick [color=FA8072]"sure"[/color] and slightly tilt her head forward. Once Elizabeth entered the room, Kira offered a small smile and wave, remembering the girl from the previous school year. After a little while, the late bell rang through the school and class finally started. Mr. Mitchell, their honors English teacher, stood at the front of the class. Unfortunately, Kira hadn't had the chance to listen to this 'Welcome to Delbrook Academy' speech the year before, so she didn't know exactly what to expect. Judging by the teacher and fellow student's groans and eye-rolls, however, she could tell that it would be a drag. She pulled out her cell phone and scrolled through her social media feeds until the release bell rang, and afterwards followed the herd of Seniors towards the field.