[center][h2][color=red][u] [color=white]☬[/color] [b]Ira[/b] [color=white]☬[/color] [/u] [color=red][sup][sup][i]Current [color=white]Location:[/color] Hell[/i][/sup][/sup][/color] [img] http://i.imgur.com/UKdGHlR.png [/img][/color][/h2][/center] [center][img] https://s16.postimg.org/gads5qrdh/image.png[/img][/center] The Expedition of the Alchemist’s Castle had come to an end. No doubt the forces of the three Factions were more than ready to leave the mad hellhole that was the living labyrinth. Except for a few unfortunate souls, each of them had been spared a fate far worse than death. The might of Heaven had been reward bountifully for their efforts in this last conflict while the Machina were probably being scolded by High Queen Eos for their questionable performance. But even an icy glare from the Machina Queen would have been infinitely better than the chaos that was Hell right now. King Rufus had left without much warning, let alone foreshadowing. Nothing but sticky note taped to the [url=http://pre09.deviantart.net/0d34/th/pre/f/2014/060/7/1/final_by_niltrace-d78h2i1.jpg]Throne of Hell[/url] with some rather rude parting words. Naturally, every demon ever was fighting for that throne, practically turning the fiery fields of Hell into a civil war zone; more than usual anyway. However, most the key players to Hell’s cause had been dispatched to Hohenheim’s Castle and thus, left the Throne up for those with power and ambition. It must have been to no one’s surprise then to find a rather powerful demon settling on the Throne of Hell when they arrived back from their departure. By now most of Hell had grown accustomed to their new ruler and for good reason. The monster known as [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/20/5d/42/205d42a0736dc8e317b4e493659aa134.jpg]Ira[/url] was hardly someone to be messed with, even by Rufus’ standards. Every demon was required to visit her chambers at least once to wish her good will and swear their loyalty to her. This of course included the numbers of demons arriving back home. And so Ira waited in patience, silent and staring down any who dared to so much as raise their heads in her presence. Long live the Queen. [hr] [center][@Lmpkio], [@floodtalon], [@Mega Birb], [@Awesomoman64], [@KoL][/center]