[center][@Duthguy] [img]https://s24.postimg.org/xlvnqwnp1/Duthguy_Dan_The_Rancher.png[/img] Is this Dan?[/center] >Yes/No, actually he... [center][color=darkgray](Note: Please either confirm Dan's appearance or let me know if you'd like anything about him changed before he is FINALISED FOREVER MORE.)[/color][/center] [b]DAN prepares himself for the adventure ahead. [/b]On a whim, he decides to bring his [b]LUCKY DICE[/b] with him wherever he goes. He looks in his sidebag: What to pack? Dan packs...[color=darkgray][sub][i](Pick one)[/i][/sub][/color] [indent]>[b]BANDAGES,[/b] to heal wounds during the journey ahead. >[b]WHISKEY,[/b] to steal himself against the horrors that await him. >[b]DYNAMITE,[/b] to throw at them b*stards when they rear their ugly heads.[/indent] [center][b]Now, Dan aint just any old Rancher.[/b] He's got one signature trick to see him out of trouble...[/center] [indent]>[b]Home Remedies[/b]: Heal yourself or an adjacent adventurer, gain a little xp. >[b]Aim and Fire:[/b] Once a round, if you miss a shot and there is no enemy next to you, you may choose to take the shot a second time. >[b]Swing your Rifle:[/b] When you have a two-handed gun equipped, you may automatically hit every adjacent enemy to you as a free attack. [/indent] [@DeadBeatWalking] [center][img]https://s24.postimg.org/eutqgqt4l/Hawk_Eye_Harold_Dead_Beat_Walking.png[/img] Is this Hawkeye Harold?[/center] >Yes/No, actually he... [center][color=darkgray](Note: Please either confirm Hawk-Eye Harold's appearance or let me know if you'd like anything about him changed before he is FINALISED FOREVER MORE.)[/color][/center] HAWKEYE HAROLD knows a few things about the world, and one thing he knows is he'll never be anywhere without his TRUSTY PIPE*. He looks in his sidebag: What to pack? Hawkeye Harold packs...[color=darkgray][sub][i](Pick one)[/i][/sub][/color] [indent]>BANDAGES, to heal wounds during the journey ahead. >WHISKEY, to steal himself against the horrors that await him. >DYNAMITE, to throw at them b*stards when they rear their ugly heads.[/indent] Now, Hawkeye Harold didn't get his name for nothin'. He got one signature trick up his sleeve that he's known for...[color=darkgray][sub][i](Pick one)[/i][/sub][/color] [indent] >Quickdraw: Anytime a new group of enemies appear, and you have one hand free, you may immediately make a free attack against them. >Reload: Refill your gun with Gunslinger-only bullets (note: Gunslingers get six special bullets that deal increased damage, this allows you to reload them if you run out. Not trying to influence you, just thought I should clarify what this means.) >Pistol Fanning: If you have one hand free, double the number of shot you get with a single handed weapon for one attack. May be used once a round. [/indent] [center][color=darkgray][i](note: One hand free means you are not dual-wielding or using a two handed weapon)[/i][/color][/center]