The Spectre glared right back at Vella, daring her to say something out of line and turning away when she didn't. He couldn't take a soft hand with this group, not until he could actually trust them. Though the chances of that happening before Sol went Supernova was rapidly plummeting to zero by the minute. Aegon saw two troopers die instantly, torn apart into so much scrap and viscera by an explosive round. He was unfazed by the scene but was minutely annoyed by Gile's disregard for his orders. That would have to be dealt with. But later. However, credit where credit was due, it had been a stellar shot and now several nearby troopers were further stunned by the blast. At the same time, he saw another trooper get savagely hit in the head twice. His helmet was broken in half and he was out of the fight, but Aegon was unsure if the man still drew breath. His companion fared little better as Salissa steamrolled him with her shield and knocked him out. One man had his head ripped off his shoulders by Ellis while the behemoth backhanded another into a wall with a sickening crunch while causing another explosion. Aegon sighed internally. He could only hope the tunnel system didn't collapse on them. Luckily for them the hall remained mostly intact though it shook mightily and dust fell from the ceiling. Despite the sloppiness Aegon had to admire the results. Just a few moments and almost half of the troopers were already down. One of the turrets had been destroyed by Ellis and Aegon had destroyed another. Aegon had to admit Vella had a solid idea when she disabled the optics on another two, causing the turrets to run a safety protocol and disable themselves in order to avoid friendly fire. That became redundant when Skarr destroyed them with his hammer and Rykarn wrecked the last two with skillfull grenade throws. More dust fell from the ceiling and Aegon shouted out, turning up his helmets loudspeakers, [color=red] "Mind the tunnel! Go easy on the explosions! I don't intend to be buried here!" [/color] Despite the volume, Aegon couldn't be sure if Rykarn heard as he quickly and brutally took another three out of the fight. Then Skarr took down the last two just as hard. If they weren't destined for the morgue, then they'd be spending quite a bit of time in the hospital. Only three left. [i][color=red] Might as well have some fun myself. [/color][/i] Normally he avoided these kind of theatrics but it might pay off to show them what he could do. The last three Cerberus Troopers were dazed, distracted, and discombobulated by the near constant explosions and quick defeat of their teammates. For just a moment their composure had broken and they didn't know what to do. That was all the time Aegon needed. He activated his jumpjets and charged through the air. He hired off a shot from his Mattock, the concussive round hitting one trooper square in the helmet and knocking him to the ground and out of the fight. The last two turned towards Aegon and he clotheslined one on the way with his rifle while he used the last Trooper as a landing pad, driving them both to the ground. His fist lashed out and knocked the trooper's head into the concrete while he twisted and kicked the last one in the face, cracking in his helm and knocking him out. Aegon stood and nodded, [color=red] "Good job team. They'll be coming for us now. Rykarn, Skarr, Ellis, Salissa, stack up near the doors. Giles hang back. Vella, Tiberius, you're midranks with me. As soon as they open those doors, whatever comes at it, we hold our ground and break them. Get ready." [/color] Aegon got into position, reloading his rifle and taking cover with a clear line of sight at the false wall while the team got into position. They didn't have to wait long. The doors popped open and all hell broke loose. The doors revealed a large hallway and another squad of Cerberus goons were on their way. Except this time, a dozen FENRIS mechs charged down the hallway at the team while the Cerberus squad had six Guardians in front with heavy shields and a Centurion lead another dozen assault troopers. In the distance they could see two Engineers advance, hurrying into position to set up more turrets. The worst was saved for last however. Behind them all stomped a YMIR Mech, making the ground shake with every step. Aegon shouted, [color=red] "Let 'em have it! Everything you have!" [/color] He popped in a clip of standard rounds and he wheeled around the corner, firing once and hitting a FENRIS Mech in the head, killing it and causing it to blow up in shrapnel to stun the other mechs and buy the team a few seconds of cover. The YMIR mech started laying down heavy machine gun fire at the rest of them while the Guardians slowly advanced and fired their weapons. Aegon narrowly dodged a stream of heavy rounds, he heard the tell-tale clinking of grenades as the Centurion and his squad launched a volley at the positions near the door. Aegon shouted, hoping the team would understand, [color=red] "Grenades back in the hole!" [/color] The tunnel system proper was old and couldn't take much more punishment, but it seemed Cerberus had reinforced their base which could likely stand the force of heavy explosives. If they could give Cerberus their grenades back they stood a chance of not being buried alive.