[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ZTDONHs.png[/img] [img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/821c/f/2015/080/4/5/web_material___rose_line_by_baronpluto-d8miru8.png[/img] [h2][color=C24641]Zak[/color][/h2][/center] Rarely did one find the Arcane Fool near the citadels of Heaven, not that anyone ever sought him out. Instead, he spent the majority of his time keeping to himself in the more obscure reaches of the realm, where he did god knows what to entertain himself. Not fishing apparently. However he had a bargain to uphold for some reason and he wasn't going to keep it by steering away from society. Not today anyway. Instead, for the first time in a couple hundred years, he found himself among quartz and marble constructs that made up heavens kingdom, admiring the ominous but enchanting tune played by one of the returns from the mad Hoenhime trials. After several minutes of quietly listening to the Angel sing and play out the elegant music, it became clear to Zak the instrument, a harp, was rather strange and foreign. It wasn't hard to surmise that it didn't come from heaven. The patterns weren't indicative of any old 'made in heaven' instrument. The way the musician grasped and strummed it meant she was skilled, but the instrument itself was not entirely familiar to her. He figured she had only recently acquired it, though he could have been wrong. Thoughts continued to run through the chaotic mind of Zak as they usually did, sporadic and many. He pondered the angel herself as well. One thing to note was she seemed nowhere near the end of her song. Then suddenly, clapping. Hysterical clapping at that. The sound rang out through the pavilion. The few angels who stuck around to admire the hymns and melodies which resonated from the musicians harp subtly dispersed as they noticed where the mad applause was coming from. Right above the harp player Tartys, or rather on top of the towering marble pillar she leaned against, was the jubilant fiery haired angel, Zak. Wind toiled with the tail of his blue coat as he sat, cross legged atop the pillar, peering down at the angelic harpist with a pleasant but mischievous expression. [color=C24641]"Oi wassat then?!"[/color] He shouted as his applause ended. Smoke faintly escaped his half grin as he spoke. Before she could answer, or blink for that matter, Zak leaped down, landing a bit clumsily beside Tartys with a subtle thud on the tiled marble floor. [color=C24641]"Aye...quite a sight indeed isn't it?"[/color] He asked, inspecting the instrument which she drew her fingers across so elegantly. Though it wasn't so much the music that caught his eye...or ear rather.[color=C24641] "Not from 'round here is it?"[/color] He asked, aiming to prod at the strings with a wandering finger if he could. [color=C24641]"Take requests? Know any drinkin' songs? How 'bout tha drunk scotsman? One of mah favorites!"[/color] Odd smelling smoke wafted out of his nostrils as he puffed on the rice paper roll hanging precariously from the corner of his mouth. [center][sub][@Flamelord][/sub][/center]