The rumbling sound grew louder. Its source seemed closer now. Fiddlesticks began to notice a small runnel of water along the base of the wall to his left. He was sure that it wasn't there before. The thought that struck him chilled him more than any terrifying creature or manic machine. Fiddlesticks was completely wrong in his estimations. He was trying to identify a creature or some kind of machine. What he didn't take into account were freak acts of nature. To be fair though, Fiddlesticks wasn't familiar with neither the weather patterns of the planet nor the architecture of its cities. Regrets mattered little at that moment. What mattered was how quickly one thought, how quickly one acted. Fiddlesticks promised himself that if he ever got out of the maintenance tunnel maze alive, he would research the architecture and geography of each planet they undertake missions on. He didn't even familiarise himself with the engine room of the Quest for Flavour. Sometimes it freaked Fiddlesricks out, the prospect that one day, his irresponsibility would catch up to him. It seemed that the day had came at last. The cleaner bot stammered something about being jealous or whatever. Fiddlesticks didn't really listen though, for he was deathly afraid. The dormant lights in the maintenance tunnel sprang to life, bathing the whole tunnel in a cheery red glow. "...that's so much better, I can see where I'm going now!" piped up the ladybug cleaner bot cheerfully. [@Hylozoist] Not even a minute passed when Fiddlesticks noticed that the small runnel of water to his left doubled in size. His heart felt like it seized in his chest, for his worst suspicion was confirmed. He put his leather glove back on his hand then stood back up. [color=pink]"Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no! This is bad!"[/color] announced Fiddlesticks. [color=pink]"We have to get out of her cleaner bot! The tunnels are flooding! We're gonna drown if we don't get out of here soon!"[/color] shouted Fiddlesticks. [color=pink]"Well, I'll drown anyway. But you'll be lost down here, forever! Assuming you're waterproof of course!"[/color] continued Fiddlesticks. Calm down Fiddlesticks old boy, he thought to himself. There was no use getting all freaked out. He just had to remember to keep his cool and think of something. Being all stressed would only make things worse. That's what all the survival video games said anyway. [color=pink]"Cleaner bot, switch to sonar mode! Please have sonar mode!"[/color] Fiddlesticks pleaded. He hoped that he could use the cleaner bots sonar to help quickly map out the maze like tunnels, in order to find a way out. If not, then at least find a safe place to await rescue attempts. [color=pink]"Bees! Help us! We're down here! Captain Bees! Please! Help![/color] shouted Fiddlesticks. He hoped against hope that one of the many small openings in the wall would be a pipe that reached up to the surface. A pipe that the bees could squeeze through. Fiddlesticks plan was to use the bees to fly through the tunnels to emit sound, in order the greatly increase the range of the cleaner bots sonar mapping. If either the bot lacked sonar mapping or if the none of the bees could hear his pleas for help, then the plan was kaput. Only some kind of deus ex machina could save Fiddlesticks and the ladybug cleanerbot then.