Jedekiah accepted the gun handed to him, secretly glad that he was being given something that actually functioned. “I know that’s just yer way of sayin’ you wanna show off.” Jedediah answered, though it was obvious he was up for the activity. It would be good to keep his mind off of the new Nightguard. Something aside from making smokebombs, trying to drill through solid marble, failing and repeating the whole process was awfully dull. He knew with Annie he needn’t check the ammunition since it would definitely be a fair amount. He couldn’t help but notice how clean she kept her guns, noting that she put as much time and effort in maintaining her tools much like he did. “Alright, Ladies first with this lil’ shoot off.” Jedediah said, gesturing to Annie. He really didn’t know the target anyways, so it was best that she shoot first. He subconsciously adjusted his ten gallon hat, one of the few possessions which he had. He played with the gun in his fingers as he waited for Annie to make the first move… _ Markus rubbed his stomach where the bullets had passed through. He could feel though the fabric of his tunic his flesh. He could feel small ripples in his skin where those wax bullets had flown through. To his astonishment, he felt amazingly well. He had no broken limbs from the fall, no bandages anywhere, no scars, no anything. There wasn’t a stain of blood anywhere in sight on his mattress. Had the Romans doctors been blessed with healing potions from Apollo? Had they unlocked some sacred ritual to immortality? Markus put a halt to the thoughts in his imagination, as he tried to regain his bearings. He needed to speak with Augustus. “Thank you officer.” Markus scratched the back of his head, finding his armor stashed right across from his bedding. He exhaled. “Give me a moment.” Markus approached his armor, bending down as he nimbly put the metal breastplate on. The segments he placed over his shoulders with care; ensuring the plating linked properly for it to remain flexible. Only a few minutes passed, before Markus spoke once more, “Alright. I am ready. Lead the way, officer.”