California smirked at Ohio's [@Sapphire], quite frankly, flattering comments. "Heh, maybe I should try that..." He replied to the white armoured woman. He didn't have time for sneaking about and worrying about trying to be noticed. In his previous line of work as a Merc, plans that involved staying quiet ALWAYS went wrong, so why bother in the first place? [i]"If you're gearing up to fight, gear up right."[/i] That was the motto he was taught by his old commander. However, those days were behind him... and the ideas of stealth being useful did get into his stubborn head... somewhat. Back into the fight, Arthur began to reload his SAW, leaving the empty magazine to clatter on the ground before sliding in and securing the second clip of rounds. It was then when Ohio re-engaged with another enemy. She can take care of herself. [color=ed1c24]"California! More enemies on the right! Also... that sniper just went real far, real quick..."[/color] Chi chirped into his ear. Shit... tangoes approaching and another freelancer just got knocked on his ass. California had to think quick. And the idea he got had to be put into place... but it was really fucking stupid too... California shrugged and decided to roll with it. He holstered his gun and pulled out his grenades, one in each hand. "Guys... cover me..." He said to Washington and Ohio. California sprinted off into the group as fast as he could, barrelling into the small crowd of robots. He bowled some over, and desperately fended off the couple still standing as he unpinned his grenades and dropped them into the crowd. Still making progress, Cali stepped away with only one grabbing onto his forearm. The Spartan grabbed the robots arm and swung them both away from the blast radius, performing what is technically called an "Irish Whip" as he sent the robot tumbling into a nearby wall. He used this created opportunity to get away from the dropped grenades, set to go off at any moment. California grabbed the rifle belonging to Maine [@Superman] and used the end of it to bludgeon the robot walking towards the groggy Agent. California tossed the sniper back to him. "Here!" He shouted. The robot was not fazed at all, and landed a swift kick into the Bear's back, sending him reeling away. "Fuck!" He yelled as he got spun into the direction of another combat robot, who used the opportunity to uppercut Arthur on the chin. "Shit!" He said again as he got effectively pinballed between the two. He regained his balance and looked over his shoulder as he jutted his elbow out into the chest of the previous robot, turning around and delivering a textbook right hook into the robot's temple. However, the other robot wrapped it's metallic arms around Arthur's waist, who tossed him into the wall Maine just got tossed into. "Bastard! Fuck!" He cursed again.