Both are equally damaging to your lungs, but cigarettes smell like ass. The moment I know a guy smokes, I am completely disinterested in him (romantic wise). I smoked quite a bit of weed and I haven't seen any difference behaviourally or memory wise. It [i]might[/i] permanently affect some but you can't generalize such a claim with products that changes the chemicals in someone's brain when we don't have all the same chemical balance. Some are better after, some are worse and some have no changes at all; it's a case by case issue. Nicotine, however, affects everyone the same way as it's an addictive substance that leads to a compulsive need for it [i]daily[/i]. Smoking weed everyday is a [i]habit[/i], you can get addicted to the high but not to the substance itself. That's the biggest difference.