[@EmzyOfNeverland] [color=f6989d][b]Alice[/b][/color] Alice steps back as Gunnar carries the girl out of the lounge. She rolls her eyes in annoyance,[color=f6989d] "I can't believe he thinks he can talk to us like that."[/color] She then remembers how good in favor he is with Duvalt, causing her to shake her head. [color=f6989d]"What good are humans anyway besides being used to serve us?"[/color] She nods at Caspen's suggestion to find fun somewhere else and proceeds to follow him. [b][color=00aeef] Sarah[/color][/b] After loading the laundry Sarah was free to do whatever she pleases, except leave the castle without permission of course. Per usual, Sarah decided to step out to the garden with a copy of [i]Pride and Prejudice[/i] in hand. It was probably her 10th time reading it, but she couldn't stop imagining herself as the main heroine of the story, Elizabeth Bennet. Though romance was out of the option so long as she stayed a servant, she couldn't help but think how nice it would be to have a Mr. Darcy in her life.