[@Emma][@GrizzTheMauler] [b][color=92278f]Tarquin "Quin"[/color][/b] Quin stuck out his tongue towards Magnus. "Who do you think you're talking about Magsquatch?" he teased before taking the shield from Magnus, him stumbling backwards a bit trying to support the weight. [b][color=0072bc]Niklaus "Nik"[/color] [/b] Nik smiled at Maggie. She was always bubbly and able to put a smile on his face. She would've loved Dash. "Well, I'm guessing not Larkin. He doesn't like us anymore," he teased, knowing it very well was Victor. He didn't come around much but he was glad when he did. Victor would be a better ruler and every time Victor came around, Nik wanted to give up his crown. "So, what have you been up to, Mags? "