[center][h2][b]Crusader Recruit Kupori[/b][/h2][/center] Hearing a thud, Kupori's head turned when Pink landed their them; He was here, too?! Instincts pushing her, Kupori swung her keyblade forward and slashed through one of the shadows trying to take advantage of her not paying attention; Such an obvious moment of weakness was but a trap to her. "Don't do anything stupid!" Kupori shouted at Pink irritably, not wanting him getting more hurt than he already was. Though, judging by the fact the small fry were retreating, and everything around them was getting bigger and nastier, this wasn't going to go very well. Noticing Gale as he approached, she found a small smile crossing her face. He had followed, too; But just like Pink, he had one of those Keyblades. They had all decided to follow after her, and while she was mad at them for their carelessness, she noted that with those weapons they were meant to fight just as much as she was; They were her comrades in arms now, to be respected as much as a Crusader. Maybe some of them would even join and learn some discipline once this was over. At Gale's words, Kupori nodded confidently. "Everything will be fine--" She stopped talking as she watched the building completely sink into the darkness. Horror crossed her mind; What if they'd been in there?! D-Did that darkness, that slowly pooled up around the area, kill? She hesitantly looked downwards, but quickly looked back up at the giant beasts that were even scarier. Witnessing Faira's bravery, a small amount of respect was earned as her keyblade appeared; Though, as she was snatched by another one of those giants, her eyes focused. Pink had already began assaulting it; What that moron didn't account for was the fact the one she had struck would now hit him. If she didn't do something, he'd end up getting crushed. Kupori didn't know if she could kill it, but she had to distract it with everything she had. Springing into action, Kupori ran past Pink and leaped upwards, stabbing her keyblade into the giant's leg. The blade in it's entirety dug into the monster, and Kupori, being the light and currently overly determined Moogle she was, managed to pull herself up and balance on the guard of her keyblade, at least until she noticed the giant bringing a hand down to attack her. Though scared, Kupori jumped; Using her wings and fluttering in place momentarily as the hand reached where it had been struck; And then she dropped, landing on top of it. Running up the arm, Kupori had no weapon now; Or at least, she thought she didn't. With a bright flash of light, Kupori's keyblade appeared back in her hand; Causing her to smirk. "That's useful!" She exclaimed, continuing to climb the monster's arm; Almost losing balance as it began to shift. The beast swung it towards one of the few buildings not sunken into the darkness; The speed launching Kupori as the giant's arm smashed into the building, causing it to begin to fall. Coughing and gripping her stomach in pain from how she landed, she slowly managed to stand up. Her keyblade danging in one hand at her side, while she looked off into the darkness that filled her home... And the only spot of light left in that direction. A red-haired man, farther down from where the group had been fighting, was currently combating a large number of medium height shadows with odd armored helmets; Their movements were quick, but his were perfection, as he dodged, weaved, and managed to continuously strike them away. [b]"FATHER!"[/b] Kupori shouted, loud, and terrified. She witnessed her father momentarily pause, looking in her direction. Though she was never sure if he saw her or not, she knew she had at least momentarily locked with his eyes. But then he was struck by one of the shadows. This distraction allowed for the large shadow to rise above the falling building, before swinging a mighty fist, straight at the small Moogle, who currently was screaming towards her now injured father who was being overtaken by the shadows. As the fist collided with her small body, everything went black. She was promptly knocked off the building, and sent plummeting towards the ground, tears falling from her face until she fell into the darkness, which promptly swallowed her whole.