[center][i][h2][color=faebd7][b][u][color=f26522]~Solanne[/color] [color=gray]and[/color] [color=00aeef]Titania~[/color][/u][/b][/color][/h2][/i][/center] [center][img] http://i.imgur.com/JtwC341.png [/img][/center] [center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] The shift in power was hardly unnoticeable, Si transporting her group into one of the corners of the Imperium capital. It was to their luck then that Titania had witnessed the spectacle upon her flying nimbus. Without a moment’s hesitation, she speeded to their entry point and landed, wondering if the flying cloud disperse, return to its master, or any of the options in between. [color=00aeef]“Lady Si, are you alright?”[/color] was the first thing Titania said before her eyes scanned over the others. The pulsing in her pocket made her give pause and she revealed the White Relic in hand. It was beating like a transparent heart, obvious in reaction to Fei’s Yellow Relic. [color=00aeef]“We should meet up with Eleonor’s group at the agreed upon rendezvous point,”[/color] Titania said, already leading the group to that spot now. Back in Alex’s apartment, the Blue Relic transformed into its true self at Alex’s call. Its blade rang true as it sent the knife right to the floor with the deflecting blow. With the distraction of the Monkey along with the power of the Tome itself, Stark was not prepared to face these joint threats at the same time. Thus, he was easily knocked over by Alex’s efforts, allowing both him and the Monkey to escape. Clambering up to his metal feet, he unlatched his own blade before stabbing it into the floor. Like a machine, he said nothing as his blade unleashed a power strong enough to rock and burn the building itself. He was intending to trap the two escapees or at least kill them; he could search for the Relics on their corpses much later. Down below, the Blue Relic only pulsed once in affirmation in response to Alex’s statement. The closer they traveled into the dark, the hotter and heavier the air began to become. A quick look behind would indicate that their initial entry way was slowly burning down, the flames licking anything in sight to catch up to them. Below the capital, the situation of the slime and her prey was starting to heat up in more ways than one. [color=ed1c24]“Pet me and I’ll bite your fucking face off,”[/color] Ruxen growled towards Tori, doing as the librarian did and simply watching the battle. Like hell she was going to risk her neck out for a bunch of annoying strangers she had just met. [color=ed1c24]“If you’re so smart ass wipe, why don’t you hit the weak spot?”[/color] she said to Tori. Within the actual fight itself, Solanne did her best to just survive, while listening to whatever plan Lorelei may have had. She nodded at the twins before turning her focus on Antonia. Whatever they were doing, it involved cranking the temperature down to a degree that made it slightly uncomfortable to move. Thankfully the Crimson Hound hadn’t earned her name for nothing and didn’t let the creeping chill get to her. [color=f26522]“Wait, what?”[/color] was all Solanne could manage out before she was suddenly grabbed and then spun about. [color=f26522]“Wait, I’m the missile? Why couldn’t you use the dog instead?”[/color] Solanne said between cycles of her “ride”. What she got in response was a very verbal “fuck you” from Ruxen. [color=f26522]“You owe me a new arm for this, y’know!”[/color] Solanne said before being launched right for the slime’s interior. Bracing herself, she rocketed into Antonia from one side and landed out sputtering on the ground with a wet Eleonor with her on the other. [hr] [center][@floodtalon], [@BlueAjah], [@KoL], [@The 42nd Gecko],[@McFazzer] , [@Awesomoman64], [@Lonewolf685], [@Flamelord][/center]