[@Sapphire] [@GingerBoi123] [@LetMeDoStuff] Washington chuckled. "Wash is fine." Washington watched Ohio taking apart the droids it was like watching an expert engineer taking apart a car, so thorough. "Problem is i'm much more close quarters with my rifle here, i'll show you". Roaring in a battle cry he charged into the nearest robot stabbing the robot as hard as he could in the chest. The bayonet piercing the robot's chest and opening him as easily as a can opener. The bot grabbed for him wildly as Washington pulled the trigger filling it full of led. It arms went limp just as Washington reached the end of his mag. Grabbing his M363 he fired it at the bots moving towards California taking out two and clearing the way for him. "Domo arigato, bitch." His sudden lapse of concentration rewarded him with a punch to the face knocking him off his feet and back onto the floor. "No more mister nice guy then". Pulling out his M363 he fire it at the chest of the robot who had punched him in the face. Kicking the offending bot in the chest it stumbled backwards over some rubble as Washington rolled out of the way. Standing up he saw the bot recovering from the kick. Walking away from the robot he pressed the red button on the side of his M363 the bomb detonated blowing the robots torso clean off. "I'm going to call you the sticky launcher, not the best name but it's better then the M363 Remote Projectile Detonator." As he was just getting to know his knew sticky buddy a body came flying out of nowhere sweeping him off his feet and sending him crashing to the floor. "Woah, bit yo gun ho there dude." Standing up Washington surveyed the battlefield, he could only see a few of these robots left. A loud horn could be heard over the gunfire and agents shouts. The robots shut down and stood to attention on the spot. The Directors voice then sounded over the intercom. "Alright Agents that enough, You are dismissed for today. Washington you are needed in the medical bay, as of this moment your armour abilities are now activated. Ensure you follow the rules any deviation will be punished harshly! Apart from this you are free to explore the installation, go to your room or mingle with the other agents. It's entirely up to you. However you will have a mission coming up soon so be prepared to move at a moments notice". Washington reloaded his AR and placed it on the magnetic grip on his back. He did the same with his newly named sticky launcher which he placed instead on the back of his torso. "Well that was a bit nuts right? Those bots always manage to surprise me with their resilience to fire. Makes you wonder why they don't use them instead right?" Washington did a double take. "Wait you all have A.I.? What the hell all you guys get the bells and whistles and i'm standing here with my dick in my hand looking like a jackass. Hope I get the good end of the stick with these A.I.s." [center]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/center] Leaving the training field he headed up to the medical bay. Before he was able to enter a female nurse said he would need to remove his armour and wear a surgical gown. "Already trying to get me out of my clothes cheeky girl". His crude humor was met with silence. Feeling awkward he took the gown and got changed into it. Once he was changed he was told to lie down on a table. Washington never did like surgery rooms and he imagined that this would not be a pleasant experience. A mask was lowered round his face as surgeon gathered around him, after a few second he slept into unconsciousness and the surgeons began their work......