[quote=@KOgaming] [@Scarifar] You know. I told you about the deck being too stall before and here you want to add more stall cards? All 15 cards rejected. [/quote] Come on, that's a little too quick to judge, don't you think? I mean, sure most of the side deck is mainly defensive cards (Prime Material Dragon being perhaps the only exception), but it's not like I'm planning to use all of them every single Duel. Considering they're in the side deck, they add variety, and of course I plan to replace certain stall cards like Spirit Reaper and such with others in the side deck. What's the point of a side deck if I can't tech in certain cards when I need them? I also don't intend to win every single Duel, and play only for story purposes. I suppose it's difficult to trust only the word of one rp'er, but I'd like to at least have a chance.