[@Crimmy][@HereComesTheSnow] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/SLXACvZ.png[/img][/center] [center] Monday [/center] Without a word Cian quickly went to work and with a practiced motion she activated Byakko rifle was long with a handle up top and three large gash like marks on the blades on either side. Cian took aim as she exhaled and pressed the trigger a large noise sounded as the bullet hit the metal target. [color=7ea7d8]"Byakko has three main forms this one is the rifle mode with the blades being able to cover for close range attacks should it become needed."[/color] Cian stated as she changed forms once more. The new look was more compact and light weight without a large butt on the rifle. [color=7ea7d8]"This is the second form of byakko it's machine gun form its meant for quick bursts and is mainly used for crowd control should it be needed."[/color] Cian once more stated as she quickly turned byakko to its third form. Its size was about in between the rifle and the machine gun mode. Yet it had a large butt on the stock and a large scope could be seen near the front sight. [color=7ea7d8]"This is the final form the sniper mode. It boasts the largest penetration and recoil of the three forms yet is also the slowest in preparing for a shot."[/color] She said and quickly took a knee her breathing stilled as wind passed through before she exhaled and took the shot. The furthest target collapsed as like all the others but if one were to look dead center was a small dent from where the bullet hit. [color=7ea7d8]"Anymore questions?"[/color] Cian asked as she hefted the sniper rifle over her shoulder a small smirk on her face since she always did love the sheer excitement the sniper mode brought her.