[hr][hr][center][img]https://s23.postimg.org/h6shths5n/virginia.png[/img] [img]https://s30.postimg.org/8uoso7135/virginia.gif[/img][hr][color=9999ff]Location:[/color] the Wyndham Estate[/center][hr][hr]Virginia tilted her head for a moment, her mind running through a certain phrase of Millicent's. She became lost in her own world for a moment, entirely unaware as her dear friend sealed the letters with wax and instructed the butler to dispatch them. For Millicent had mentioned a dream that had unsettled her, that had shaken her friend's firm grasp on time and reality. It was most curious, Virginia recalled, that she too had had a similar nightmare of horrific qualities. It was a terror not even a Crypt could enjoy. [color=9999ff]"A dream, Millicent?"[/color] Virginia inquired. Mosi had confirmed that she had dreamt similar terrors the previous evening. If the same had befallen Millicent, Virginia then concluded that these were not just omens, but perhaps truth. [color=9999ff]"How curious. Mosi and I had the same terrible nightmares last evening,"[/color] Virginia murmured, her eyes having a distant quality to them as she pondered the strange issue. [color=9999ff]"Yes, perhaps it would be best to be present at Almack's tonight,"[/color] Virginia then muttered, a slight frown on her face. [color=9999ff]"If Elizabeth will not relent, then it must be so. It would be a shame to miss such an extravagant display of horrors as well...Perhaps they will capture portraits of it."[/color]