:-O Does it make me a terrible person that I think that’s a flippin’ awesome concept for an antagonist? xD Okay, so the powers were bound to Earth, and only Earth, but by Pahn giving them a human form, they and their offspring were no longer bound to the Earth alone. Correct? Eh, there’s nothing to be at fault for here. Either way, we’re on the same boat! :-) I do indeed quite understand. No hurry. I always take forever, so it would be quite hypocritical of me to get upset about others taking a while to respond, be it to PMs or RPs! You’re very much welcome! And thank [i]you[/i] for being so open to all that. It’s annoying, to say the least, when you put time toward something like that, and have the person you did it for throw it to the wayside, no matter how much you enjoy doing it. So, thanks for the opportunity, and keep up the good work! Thank you, thank you! :-)