Despite her 400 HP, Orisa's actually very good at locking points down, I've found. And her team-wide damage buff is pretty amazing. Even so, she does require either an Ana or a Mercy to be able to keep her up once her shield falls and she's unable to put another one down immediately. Fortify really helps reduce damage, though with the added bonus of being unmoveable. Was Tracer one game against Orisa and the minute she put her fortify up, it was like hitting her with tiny water pellets. I did little to no damage - it's something that, if you're at critical health you pop to allow your healer to get you up again. She feels really good and it's really nice to know, with her running onto live soon, that we won't see Reinhardts in [i]every single game[/i] anymore. It's unfortunate that there's no healer as good as Ana right now, though I've been seeing a lot of Mercys, I'm still seeing 90% of comps run Lucio/Ana and the occasional Zen/Ana on defense or when there's a Pharah that needs shutting down. Also, I'm gonna get a Jesse post up soon! Hopefully sometime tomorrow:) I suppose that's mostly for [@Jacobite] lol.