Cody sighed softly, watching the monstrosity, he stood still a moment, before he began to move. He shot himself into the air, above the thing and began to worm his light aroudn the creature into a prison, solid beams of light forming around the rock formation, as strong as Cody's will, which was pretty damn impressive to say the least, he didn't stop, seeking to harmlessly contain the creature, and not seeking to kill it, he moved swiftly, throwing down light every so often to keep himself airborne, the thrill of flight really quite amazing as he worked, concentrating on both containing it and protecting not only himself, but Gerswhin and Caits as well. ' The light fell where he wanted it, twisting about to dig into the ground, to connect underneath and ensure that the monster couldn't wriggle out that way, and connecting up the top, over the monsters head. When he landed once more, Cody wasn't afraid, minute fractures and injuries over him healing quite steadily, he stood where he was, apparently not fussed that the creature could have easily killed him. What would kill him anyway? As he pondered that, he once more turned his sights to the twins, his sightless gaze seeking out their light signitures even as he began to move once more. [b]"please"[/b] His voice seemed to come from everywhere, this time, carried on the wind, a simple call of understanding, of wanting to understand, and of hope that maybe he wouldn't have to fight his way towards them, as he once more began to move, carefully placing his feet, and at times, when it seemed impossible to walk, flying through the air.