[@Suku][@HereComesTheSnow][@Plank Sinatra] [B]Mindaro Mondays[/B] From the pocket of Valentinian Mindaro emerged a folded-up piece of paper, which, upon being unfurled to its maximum girth, revealed itself to be a map of the Beacon Academy campus. However, unlike most standard maps of a place of education, the map being held within his hands was in fact annotated with numerous notes and points of consideration in neat and tidy handwriting (and also with a numbering system to further increase legibility). The elder daughter, it appeared, had sent them easily understandable details on everything in the school, including directions to her dorm and other areas of importance. "[color=ADFF2F]We should riiiight about ...[/color]" He scanned the paper for the location. "[color=ADFF2F]... now. It doesn't look like it's in a hard-to-reach place.[/color]" "[color=9ACD32]It's far likelier that she would be there than eating breakfast,[/color]" added Severa, squishing up next to her husband to [s]snuggle[/s] get a better view of the map. "[color=9ACD32]She tends to eat breakfast quite early![/color]" "[color=ADFF2F]Or she's doing something else on campus,[/color]" noted the Mindaro patriarch thoughtfully. "[color=ADFF2F]Hope she ain't being troublesome.[/color]" --- "[color=66cd00]Can you actually use it properly?[/color]" Gratia Mindaro approached the assembled group of girls (and one older man, but the specifics of the gender distribution were utterly irrelevant to her purpose here), her strong and toneless voice still clearly audible over the din of the training ground. With her breakfast complete and Luke's issues having been addressed for the given moment, the Mistralese teenager had made her way onto the Beacon grounds in search of her family. That quest had, much to her pleasant surprise, reached its objective quite rapidly, as it seemed that in the very moment she left the chittering masses in the hallways behind, she had located one member. The only one in the area that she had any particular affection for. "[color=66cd00]Galla, you look good,[/color]" she noted impassively, redirecting her onyx eyes towards the aforementioned sibling as she halted before the group. "[color=66cd00]Have you been eating well?[/color]" The younger Mindaro's flat gaze met hers evenly. "[color=DFFF00]We can afford pork now.[/color]" "[color=66cd00]All the money transferred properly then? No fuckups?[/color]" Galla shook her head. "[color=DFFF00]There aren't any problems.[/color]" "[color=66cd00]That's good to hear.[/color]" Relief, despite the flat tone of her voice, was immediately evident. "[color=66cd00]I'll send over more next week.[/color]" "[color=DFFF00]Despite what mother and father said?[/color]" asked Galla, her voice utterly devoid of anything that could be construed as emotion. Gratia's expression didn't change, but she did cross her arms, right pointer finger tapping once against her upper arm. "[color=66cd00]They can say all they want, but it's fucking ridiculous to not give you a buffer if things get shitty.[/color]" "[color=DFFF00]They think you're too generous, Big Sis.[/color]" "[color=66cd00]Too bad, I'm not budging a fucking inch,[/color]" replied the girl bluntly. She paused for a moment, before switching tracks. "[color=66cd00]They're here today too right?[/color]" "[color=DFFF00]Yes.[/color]" Gratia nodded in acknowledgement, keeping the news in mind. It was an expected fact, but having express confirmation from her little sister was ... reassuring. Having them present on campus, even for a day, was a comfort that she would need to thank Ozpin for facilitating. An ocean of distance between Beacon and her home was one that had not been so easily crossed as it had been when she was still at Haven. "[color=66cd00]So how are you finding this shitty place?[/color]" "[color=DFFF00]With a map.[/color]" "[color=66cd00]Less literal.[/color]" "[color=DFFF00]7/10.[/color]"