[b]Schwarzes and Such[/b] April's answer to that question came in the form of another question. [color=ffcf40]"Depends! Dawn, you got all that?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Rifle with Bayonets, LMG, and Sniper. Yep, those are the three! Just one thing I'd ask is what the maximum effective range is on the Sniper form, I suppose."[/color] she said thoughtfully, tapping the eraser end of the pencil to her chin. "[color=66cd00]Can you actually use it properly?[/color]" asked a new, flat, and practically bored voice that nonetheless managed to carry into the conversation easily, even in spite of the ambient training ground noises. [color=00aeef]"That's another good one, gotta be honest."[/color] [color=ffcf40]"I mean, we'd hope that's the case though, right?"[/color] There was a rare note of concern in April's voice, as the normally carefree girl frowned at the obvious implication of Cian not knowing what she was doing. Seriously, how did you get into Beacon Academy if you couldn't at least understand how to use a gun? Then again, Saeva-sensei had been saying for a while now that the entrance requirements were all jacked up... What's more, this woman's tone, as faint as it was, couldn't help but suggest that there was [i]backstory[/i] to that question of hers. [color=ffcf40]"Hey sis,"[/color] April murmured idly to the notepad-wielding member of the pair, as both watched the emergent back-and-forth between Galla and her newly arrived elder sister. [color=ffcf40]"Y'don't think we [i]overprepared[/i] nii-chan for this school, did we?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Well, I look at it like this,"[/color] Dawn's calm, sagely reply began. [color=00aeef]"If we did, that means he's either doing just fine with all the work everyone put him through, or he's made up for lost time after the whole 'cancelling combat school' thing, right?"[/color] April's brow furrowed and her face mixed up into an adorably unsure expression. [color=ffcf40]"I guess..."[/color] [color=00aeef]"And if we didn't, he's certainly better off than if we just let him go in blind, that's for sure."[/color] [color=ffcf40]"Oh, yeah. De-fin-ite-ly!"[/color] This time the taller girl's nod is vigorous. That's easily the most agreeable and plainly true way of looking at things, from any perspective. Even their brother would be forced to agree with that. And to speak of their brother, Galla's numeric rating system sparks some interest in Dawn. [color=00aeef]"You have a grading scale for straight-manning, Galla? We've [i]got[/i] to introduce you to our brother when he shows up!"[/color] He, being a lazy young adult with a habit of procrastination, was almost [i]definitely[/i] slacking off.