[quote=@Flamelord] On the one hand Broker is right. On the other hand she also decided to become a mole without telling any of the people she would be serving as a mole for beforehand, throwing the legitimacy of her claims and any information she might send into doubt. Coincidentally, is there a cooldown timer or a lock on faction jumping in DGO? I would assume so, since merely having to check off a box to change your faction allegiance seems pretty easy to abuse otherwise, but I don't see anything about it on the OP. [/quote] I don't think that there's any cooldown, but it's not needed as well. You can only get on a guild if someone with permission to do so invites you. At the moment, the only players who can do so are: Princess, Zealot and Sun, for the Masks, Wraith and Rider, for the Strykers, Titania and Absinthe, for the Bruisers. The Harleys and Rangers seem like only their Kings have this privilege.