[quote=@Antarctic Termite] Shockingly, the idea has occurred to us before! Or at least to me. Not sure about Poog. We might've spoken about it I forget. There are a few issues. The first is that Tauga damn well knows that Heartworm's investment is the only reason she's alive and has the power to fight for Xerxes (for however long that lasts, battle collab when?), and it stands to lose if she malfunctions. Not feeling is in Tauga's job description, and without that she's just a liability. She's not going to risk her existence by making herself into a walking, talking, salvage opportunity for the Emaciator. More interestingly, there's an ethical dilemma. The Blowfly of today is a far cry from the Tauranga Mason of yesteryear. Is it really right to erase someone who [i]is[/i] for the sake of someone who [i]was?[/i] Or if Tauga is to have emotions rebuilt from the ground up, what should they look like? Whose call is that to make? In adding to Tauga's psyche emotions that are no longer native to it, are you really treating her any better than Heartworm did? (I mean, strictly from a psychological point of view. Otherwise that's a reeeeally low bar to hit.) Tauga herself doesn't regret what she is. If she did, she'd be unsuitable for her job. Her lenses might be rose-tinted to the point where she can no longer see the bloodstains on their surface, but, ultimately, she's only looking at the past because the present is growing darker by the day and she needs somewhere better to pull it to. [/quote] She could always join Sindustries, like seriously, Sindustries is actually the next arc for Amartía.