[i]A crack in the night; a bone chilling roar; a soundless scream.[/i] Since before civilization, mankind has always feared the dark - or rather, that which lies beneath it. Horrors that roam as mere ideas for us when we are in the safety of day, and come to a twisted, wretched life at dusk. Ever and always, man has devised ways to fend off the darkness, methods both real and imagined. This fear led to the explosive expansion of man - this fear developed fire, agriculture, medicine. From this fear, [i]civilization[/i] was born. The mad scramble to drive away the darkness had urged mankind ever forward. And yet, it is also this same fear that kept the darkness alive. The fear that gave birth to civilization had also borne with it . . . Theft . . . Cowardice . . . Genocide . . . [i]Evil . . .[/i] And with the birth of evil, the abominations that resided in the void us laughed and swelled in numbers and strength. They fed upon evil, and grew into true, living horrors -- horrors that spilled upon the reality of our world. And with evil as its sword and fear as its shield, horror encroached upon mankind. The corruption eroded at the roots of a budding civilization, threatening to kill humanity before the concept even existed. And Man was nearly driven back into the darkness, were it not for one thing: Sacrifice Just as fear had borne evil, evil had birthed sacrifice and courage. With the tools given to them by the enemy itself, mankind pushed back. The idea that death meant nothing, so long as those around them could live and love as they wished, resonated throughout the earth, and the horrors were driven back into the dark, and faded into legend, to disappear from collective human memory. Still, humanity would not easily forget that which nearly eradicated them. Though society as a whole has forgotten what it meant to fear the darkness, there are those that still carry the burden of those memories, and the responsibility that comes with it; the responsibility to fight with your life on the line, knowing that they are the only one's that can. They stand as stalwart sentinels against the night. They are the torch bearers that light the path to tomorrow, with a flame of hope borne from their sacrifice. The [i]Kispu Sinnis Wardatu[/i] [b]The Magical Girl.[/b] [hr] So yeah, this is, as you've guessed, a magical girl RP. On the specifics of the magical girl lore here, I'll leave it blank - that, and many others will be covered in the RP proper, as I want this to be a learning experience. As for what I [i]can[/i] say about the RP: [list] [*] Gonna be a lot of politicking here [*] Characters are limited to females only as of now, with ages ranging from 12 - 16 [*] Expect the lore and magic system to be somewhat complex, with the lore being the heavier of the two. [*] Expect a lot of NPC's from me and any co-GM I choose; it's kinda necessary [*] The story is global by nature, so feel free to make a character who lives or comes from any nation without worry. The setting is nebulous by nature. [*] HAVE FUN, BECAUSE I KNOW I WILL. [/list] As for the rules, it should be obvious: Basic RP rules, no godmodding, yadda yada, ect. Need at least 4 players to start with. [hider=Character Sheet] [code][b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] (Ages 11~16) [b]Nationality:[/b] (by residence) [b]Picture/Description:[/b] (If you want a picture but can't find one that suits your needs, you can send me a description of you're character, and I'll have a picture up in a week or two, generally) [b]Abilities:[/b] (Leave this blank for now! Your abilities will be gained at the start of the RP, but while they may be something you [i]made[/i] it won't necessarily be something you [i]chose.[/i]) [b]Personality:[/b] [indent] Likes: [list] [*] [/list] Dislikes: [list] [*] [/list] [/indent] [b]Fears:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b][/code] [/hider][hr] Honestly, I promised myself that I'd only GM another game if I could get a handle balancing it along with everything else IRL, or risk shutting it down abruptly. I don't want that to happen again, at least, I don't want to be the explicit cause of it again, so I'm gonna ask someone to co-GM with me to lighten the load, if anyone is willing.