[h3][center][color=goldenrod]Rook[/color][/center][/h3] Bobby watched with nervous eyes, all of Liam's actions cause for great concern as she continuously had to re-assess her situation and the possible danger. Instantly, however, she was discomforted by the word [i]murder[/i], showing a very obvious reaction. Her hands clenched at her side, her chest expanded with a panicked breath and her gaze fled from the sight of the assassin. Just the thought had a clearly aversive effect. A curious reaction for someone who had come personally to speak with the leader of the Royals. The congresswoman had no wish for anyone to die, she couldn't stand what the Royals --and all the other groups in Match as well-- were doing. She just wanted the letters, the [i]death[/i], she needed it to stop before it got any worse. And the words that Liam used against her, where others might have found rousing, they only made her feel sicker. She really was a bleeding heart, dripping all over the rug. In the face of Liam's collective words, she had remained frozen, unable to even breathe as the Black King moved. He was showing the barely restrained venom of a cobra and every intake had Bobby's lungs filling with miasma. What a shitstorm. "[color=darksalmon]I am offering a quarter of a million dollars for you to stop whoever is doing this.[/color]" She didn't dare say [i]kill[/i], couldn't trust herself not to gag on the word. This was so far beyond her, she had no idea what she was doing. Owen, from deep within his chair, let out a scoff he couldn't possibly contain. A quarter mil for a job not even within Match City that would require investigation and planning? What a joke. Only Kestrel and his birdbrains did that for free. She heard the sound and turned the boy's way, flustered. She wasn't [i]sure[/i] what price to pay. At this point, she'd pay just about anything to be allowed to get out of the damn room. It was too much, she was beginning to panic. [i]What was she doing?![/i] [center][sub][@bluetommy2][@FantasyChic][/sub][/center][hr] [h3][center][color=sienna]Helianthus[/color][/center][/h3] The elder assassin was as laconic as ever, his hands buried deep into the pockets of his jeans as he just barely tilted his shoulders her way. He offered the new arrival a small shrug, originating only from one shoulder as he avoided eye contact (more from disinterest than a timid nature). "[color=sienna]She's fine.[/color]" He didn't quite appreciate that this woman felt it appropriate to talk about his girlfriend, when he was hardly a fan of Solanaceae knowing about her at all. Douglas was fiercely protective of his lover, something he's proven many times before. He didn't trust a soul in Belladonna, not with her life. Yet, Evelynn had this unfortunate trait called curiosity that sent her to come visit him sometimes, to meet the other scary assassins of the first district. He had been tense, unhappy when Evelynn made a point to introduce her to everyone in sight, including Annabelle. He continued to be on edge even as all that happened was Evelynn getting starry-eyed over Annabelle's hair, asking what kind of products she used. He turned away from the other assassin, back towards the door. He hoped that it would open then, or she would at least get the hint to quiet down. He had nothing against Annabelle, she seemed sweet and Evelynn appeared to have a bit of a crush on her, but he couldn't handle the useless dialogue she searched for. How did it benefit the mission they were called in for? It didn't. Silence was miles more productive, as he saw it. [center][sub][@Legion02][/sub][/center]