Larcen's warm embrace on Ken loosened as he turned square on to Hannah, quick draw hand now balled into a fist, he was stunned but mad. [i]The fuck you calling Tommy!?, only way to 'discharge' a WEC attack dog is through the seat ejector with no parachute, any rookie can bomb a helpless Karlsland factory town, houses don't shoot back....but I do.[/i] Governor Rhodes had heard enough, he knew two strong personalities were not going to resolve themselves this early on, too much to prove. He slammed his hand on the desk and glared at both of them. [hider=Ovince Rhodes] [img][/img] [/hider] [color=a187be][i]Damnit, pilots keep your shit together, there are over 600 targets to kill in borough alone, don't be wasting this crap on each other. Larcen, Hannah is one of the best Rabbit class pilots Europe has to offer, I'm not paying you to be offering your political stances, forget the fucking WEC you all work for the NYC now![/i][/color] The room went silent, with Ovince's rant, but the tension was still thick in the air. The Governor attempted to change the subject to something more constructive. [color=a187be][i]For task at hand, we have a starting point for you, thanks to Ken's excellent work in Brooklyn, we've discovered the remains of the vicious 'Jersey Devil Mob' have rallied and dug in around there. The mission is simple, following Ken's lead you go there and you exterminate them, destroy the leader and take out as many of the mob as possible. [/i][/color] Finishing his coffee he pointed to his world map which was close to his world map. [color=a187be][i]After we smash the Jersey Devils in Brooklyn we can take back New Jersey after the team disbands and make use of their intelligence stations to find out what we need about France, as you know, Paris became an independent city state over 20 years ago and his been causing trouble for the east coast recently, we suspect a major invasion anytime soon, but we need New Jersey first, can you do it? [/i][/color] Larcen put his hands in his bomber jacket pockets, and smirked. [i]If Ken AND me are on it, then those mobsters haven't got a hope in hell, Chief.[/i] Larcen turned toward Alex and gave her a thumbs up. He was honored to be flying with an Ace. [i]So, Miss Robins, are you Canadian military? Toronto Air division maybe? I would have thought a Canadian Ace would have ended up working for Roland Shaw or something, did you hear he is putting a new Sky Warriors team together?[/i] Ovince Rhodes called maintenance downstairs to prep the 4 pilots planes, they would be preparing to fly in 15 mins.