Celes looked at Spruce, and took the badge, before going to give it to him on his hand. "That.. was from Vine.... he wanted you to have this. He said he never forget you, that he would never forget his little bro." she says to him calmly, looking at it. "I know he actually does care about you a lot... he was really worried also." she says at him, smiling. She sit downs. "I... I think we should head to get something to eat.. you must be starving after so much time and all." she says to him calmly to him. "I...could always make more soup though if you want..." she says smiling at him. [hr] Eralion hear what Bonnie said after fallowing her, and looked down as he moved forwards, and hugged her also with Tini. "It's going to be ok Bonnie... never give up... Don't be scared... we are stronger then before. We need to stay courageous for this. We need to stay determined for this. " he says, looking at her, giving a patient smile at her. He just stayed there. "I understand your scared Bonnie, but it is something we need to do... only everyone together can we defeat that bastard... alright?" he then said.