[center][h3][u][b]Hillcrest High School Student Identification[/b][/u][/h3][/center] [center][img]http://kctv.images.worldnow.com/images/16992788_BG2.jpg[/img][/center] [u]Name:[/u] George "Georgy Boy" Kowalewski [u]Gender:[/u] Male. [u]Date of Birth:[/u] June 6, 1989 [u]GPA:[/u] 4.4 [u]Year:[/u] Sophomore [hr] [u][b]Additional Information[/b][/u] [u]Height:[/u] 5'11" [u]Eye Color:[/u] Blue [u]Race/Ethnicity:[/u] Caucasian, Polish-American. [u]Hobbies:[/u] Video games, coding, technology, cross-country running, playing the trombone, wrestling. [u]Personality:[/u] On the outside, George is your typical honor, completely absent-minded student, who is even more intelligent than he looks - though despite these good attributes can take part in some shady behavior with his close friend, Daniel. Some could say that hanging out with George after a while could easily show his pernicious behavior as he at times look for opportunities to cause trouble and take advantage of the opportunities he has at hand often carelessly. Though looking to cause trouble isn't really something he does recreational in the same way Daniel does. Being a very notable intelligent young man, George's ego is also something that is quite predominant, often coming off as a overly-prideful, pretentious, student who is only ever humble when it comes to his athleticism. Despite some of his flaws, George is quite a loyal person, often being capable of empathy though often at times being taken advantaged of himself by people. This is what made 'good old Georgy Boy' to be somewhat cynical, believing that most people are often only motivated by self-interest. His frustration and ego can often get the better of him, sometimes backfiring and causing him to do stupid things. It is recently that George began to develop a bad habit of smoking pot and drinking whenever he can, going to the parties that JC and Alfredo often invite him to out of pity. Though intelligent, George is sometimes mistaken for being stupid, usually by his lack of common sense and social norms, and at times saying or doing things out of lack of consciousness. [u]Short Biography:[/u] George "Georgy Boy" Kowalewski is the second born child of [url=http://images.gawker.com/1497049670575662221/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.png]Tyler Kowalewski[/url] and [url=https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/22/34159678_cc4e09ab0b_b.jpg]Madeline Kowalewski[/url], two intelligent American entrepreneurs with both their own businesses, Tyler being a Software Engineer and Madeline being a Lawyer, and are well-to-do. He was born just three years after his sister, now in college, [url=https://itsnickyyo.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/photo.jpeg]Courtney Kowalewski[/url], who also shares her father's intellectual prowess as she is currently a Mechanical Engineering major at the University of California Berkeley. At a young age, George was already known for taking a deep interest in technology like his father and took advantage of being raised by a tech-savvy father who nurtured him into what some may call a child prodigy. George's interest in technology could easily be derived from what most could say his father, a Software Engineer who formerly had worked for Oracle. Though this interest could easily have evolved at a much younger age then his father, Tyler, who had only grown to like technology when he entered college who had originally came from a poor Polish-American family in New York City. However, this wasn't George's only interest, like many other kids growing up, "Georgy Boy" had a relatively normal life growing up, having a couple of a few close friends with Daniel Esteban Rivas and his older, much cooler cousin, Alfredo Zapien. Both were noted as being the "high achieving" kids of their schools, being the some of the top students almost every year. Originally meeting in kindergarten, Daniel and George consider themselves to be brothers more than just friends, often being seen as inseparable. Many also consider the two of them to be mischievous, their math teacher who would later also subtlety take part of their 'underworld', Mr. Clarke, referring to the both of them as being "as quick as thieves". Their petty criminal life first started in the seventh grade at a party which they were not invited to. It was the party of a friend of Daniel's older brother [url=http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww278/anythingdisneylj/diz/paramount-pictures-super-8-blu-ray-and-dvd-release-party-red-carpet.jpg]Michael Bartley Rivas[/url], who had partied so hard, had to be taken home to whereupon George and Daniel entered in order to experience the life of high school partying beforehand. George considers it to be a joyful moment, being the first time going to a real party of a spoiled teenager. It was everything George imagined for a party at a large mansion to be like, much like the parties seen in cliché films about teenagers. There was: drinking, good-looking women, drugs, games, and a host of many desperate teenagers, hungry for excitement. So many, that nobody would notice a couple of seventh grades in the crowd of drunken and absentminded teenagers at the height of a hardcore party. It was at one moment that George and Daniel came across a bag of marijuana left behind by a group of passed out, nameless high schoolers that they would sell to a group of similarly aged students near their neighborhood. It was there that their life of petty criminality would take off, often taking part of selling stolen items, racking up as much money as they could. After a while, their reputation at school became somewhat known, though they themselves are not quite popular at school, nor do they want to be. Being secretive is something Daniel knew was important to their little underworld, though it is today that their reputation at school would soon skyrocket to communal fame.