One day, as you are on your computer doing whatever it is that you do, an email pops up in your email account. ___________________________ To: | ___________________________| From: | ___________________________| Greetings Tamer, This is being sent to you as you have been selected as an esteemed Digimon Tamer. Press Accept to start your journey. Press Decline and forget this email has never happened. >>> You press the “Accept” button at the bottom of the email and are surprised as the message continues below that. Congratulations Tamer! You are now a certified Digimon Tamer. There should be a new program on your desktop titled “Digital Assistant Device”. Start the program up and you should receive your very own Digivice soon! How exciting! See you soon. -AKM [hr] Perhaps your are suspicious of the email, or perhaps excited. Regardless, are you look at your desktop and there is a shortcut to a program titled exactly as the email said. “Digital Assistant Device.” After double clicking it as the email bid, the sounds of a dial-up modem started up, although you don’t use one and a rapid display of ones and zeros move across your monitor as a small phone like device phased it’s way through it. [hider=Digivice][img],100):origin()/pre15/f003/th/pre/f/2016/164/7/6/_cm_for_stardust00__a_very_fiery_digivice_by_nelanequin-da63bi6.png[/img][/hider] A message in a word processor pops up saying, “Enjoy your digivice. When you’re ready, point the front of your device toward your monitor and say “Digital Gate, Open!” [hr] [hr] Well, that's how it'll start anyhow. Here, have a CS. [hider=CS] [noparse] [b]Tamer[/b] [i]Name:[/i] [i]Gender:[/i] [i]Age:[/i] Anywhere between 12 and 18. It’s summer break so we can go wild! [i]Apperance:[/i] [i]Digivice Color[/i] [i]Personality:[/i] (Just a bit to get your characters feel across. Hopefully we don’t get any of them lone wolves.) [i]Bio:[/i] (Again, doesn’t need to be much, just enough to give others a feel for what your character is.) [b]Digimon:[/b] [i] In-Training:[/i] [i]Rookie:[/i] [i]Champion:[/i] [i]Ultimate:[/i] [i]Mega:[/i] [i]Extended Mega:[/i] (Burst mode, or further changes or something.) [/noparse] [/hider] I don't have too much to really add at the moment. I'll add more information to the Character Tab over time. NPC's. Groups, and all that. That way we know what's going on. I also intend to make a chronology. Post your characters in OOC first so I can okay then. ^.^ I'll post my character up tonight. As far as characters go just go with my recommendations :D As far as Appearance goes a picture is fine and description is great too! Both work as well XD Have fun with making a character! Ask if you have questions!