[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/dBInTnK.png[/img][/center] There were few prospects that sounded as unappealing to Jericho as discovering where it was that Gratia recouped the energy it took to be such a heinous bitch all the time. Right now, he was torn between imagining her dorm as a blood-colored hall of horrors, with Mistralian nationalist posters slapped with clinical precision onto the walls...or as a completely generic cell, a bland grey cube with a bed akin to solitary confinement. He wondered if Gratia's dorm had a window. She probably hated sunlight. [color=9e0b0f][i]...Why am I wasting thought on this?[/i] [/color] He would be seeing it in a minute anyway. There was no point in fantasizing about the room of a person he could best describe as an unwanted, yet marginally useful acquaintance at the most relaxed of times, but to put in the effort on imagining what a destination would look like was the height of needless chicanery. [color=9e0b0f][i]There's something in the air here.[/i][/color] Or perhaps it was the Mindaro parents growing on him. Jer repressed a shudder. [color=9e0b0f]"I don't know if I got her number,"[/color] Jericho deflected, although for what reason he didn't know. Maybe just so Severa didn't get the idea that her daughter had exchanged numbers with a boy she met over a cruise line in a brief flight of fancy. Gratia's mother seemed like a sweet woman [s][color=9e0b0f]([i]shut up she made me eat chocolate[/i])[/color][/s] but somehow Jer doubted any amount of explanation of his mission aboard the [i]Sleipnir[/i] would sway her from the idea that her oldest daughter had found a soulmate. It seemed like the idea was calcifying in her head already. There was no point in throwing fuel on a fire around such a breezy woman. [color=9e0b0f]"Maybe she went with Bianca,"[/color] Jer suggested instead. [color=9e0b0f]"Or she could be looking for you. Your other daughter came ahead of us; they may have run into each other."[/color]